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Just finding things to be mad about

strugglingSM's picture

I went away for four days after Thanksgiving to attend a family event by myself. DH had SSs from Wednesday through Sunday.

While I'm gone, DH again reverts to Disney dad with meals out, movies, and a constant supply of snacks and treats. Going to the movies and getting an extra large popcorn, soda, and candy was not enough. They had to go out to get ice cream after the movie.

I had some fall decorations out and one of them is damaged and DH says he "can't remember" what happened to it.

Then I got into our guest bedroom, which I've been using to store Christmas packages and I notice there are blankets and pillows on the bed that weren't there before. DH had decided he would use the guest room, so he could sleep in the same bed with SSs while I was away. When I met DH, he and SSs shared a bed during their visitation and I told him that I thought his children were too old for that. They were 8 and used to cry if they weren't allowed to sleep with him. They are now almost 12 and apparently, still want to share a bed with dad.

I suppose I should be happy that he didn't just have them sleep in our bed, but it makes me angry because we've lived in this house for 8 months and have had the same guest room set up for 8 months and the only time he's ever made up the guest room to sleep with them was when I was gone. He then tried to tell me that those things were in there before, but I know for a fact they weren't, because I put that exact pillow and blanket away upstairs last week.

I feel like he sneaks around with SSs and does things that he knows will bother me - and that they know will bother me - when I'm not around. I feel that this creates an environment where they all get to do what they want when StrugglingSM is gone, making me the bad guy and also creating this secret life for them while I'm away.

When I first starting spending weekends with DH when he had SSs, they made an extra big deal about dad sleeping in the same bed with them, even asking DH who he loved more - me or them, so there's definitely an element there where I know his children are pushing the boundaries to see who DH will choose. One of them used to sit outside our bedroom door when we were sleeping, like a total creep. Consequently, whenever DH does things like this, I feel that he's sending the message that he'll always choose them and maybe that's the hard truth, that he always will choose them over me, despite his protestations to the contrary.

I tell DH that it bothers me that it seems like he sneaks around to do things while I was away. He tells me I'm making a big deal over nothing and I'm "just finding things to be mad about."

There was another post recently, where someone sad that at some point in your SM journey, your SO will do something that makes you lose respect for him...sneaking around to do things with SSs behind my back makes me feel that way. For one thing, the sneaking behind my back makes me view him as weak, because my view is, if you're going to do something, you do it out in the open and you don't sneak behind the scenes. Also, I wish there was some way to make him understand how having a secret or separate life that he lives with his children makes me feel like we only have a partial marriage.


mommadukes2015's picture

He needs to realize that he is laying the groundwork for you to be the bad guy and scape goat for any issues they have with their dad.

If he's going to have a night with the kids where they bend a grew rules you need yo be included and consulted. Otherwise it looks like dad is the fun guy and SM is the evil rule having hag.

classyNJ's picture

I tried to read thru all of your blogs but there are many....

I'm assuming that he doesn't have his own money and that's why he is "sneaking around" by spending time out with his kids?

I'm confused as to why this would bother you unless it's because he is spending your money on them.

strugglingSM's picture

It bothers me because we have shared money and right now, we have less money than we would like. I was between jobs, but will be starting a new job soon.

DH couldn't wait for me to get a new job before buying a house, so we live in a house that we can afford on one income, but only if we don't spend all of our money on extras like treats and outings. He was the one who pushed for us to get a bigger mortgage and swore up and down that we'd do the saving necessary to make it work.

DH regularly spends between $300-$400 on treats and activities on his weekends with SSs. He also wants us to spend over $1000 to take them skiing this year (including lessons, gear, travel, etc) and wants us to take them on a vacation this summer that would cost between $3000 and $5000. This is the same man who when I suggest we do something together, tells me that we don't have any money to do anything. In addition, BM regularly demands extra money we hadn't planned on giving her (used to be a few extra hundred a month, but we've managed to scale it back a bit). I've told him that if he wants us to continue to share finances "like a family" then he needs to budget for things and we won't just spend all of our disposable income entertaining his children.

DH and BM spent well beyond their means when they were married (even though they were making over $200K between the two of them, they still didn't pay any bills on time in 2011, never owned a home after their short sale in 2010 (which wasn't a true short sale, because they sold it for more than their original mortgage, but had taken out so many additional mortgages that they owed more than they sold it for) and had downsize both of their cars after the divorce. I still have no idea what they spent their money on and DH has been either unable or unwilling to enlighten me). I've told DH that I won't live like they did and that financial stability is important to me (and told him this well before we were married), so he needs to learn to scale back. We managed to scale back to one treat or outing a weekend, but this weekend, there were four or five. So, essentially, when SM is around, we have limited fun. When it's just dad, it's one big party.

Also, the sneaking around and doing things that bother me, goes beyond money. It includes, eating in your rooms and leaving your dishes lying around, leaving all of your trash and games lying around, using the guest room as your extra bedroom, using SM's things and either damaging them or not putting them back where they belong, etc when SM is not around. So, again, any house rules we had go out the window when I'm not here. That's my problem. I'm the mean, old SM and DH is the fun dad who would let them do whatever they wanted if I wasn't around.

classyNJ's picture

Nope you are not FINDING things to be mad about - these ARE things to be mad about.

I'm the mean old SM and DH is the fun dad....yup typical. It sounds like he is letting you be the fall guy. Very sad.

strugglingSM's picture

DH's mother has given him the Dave Ramsey book and CDs. We did read part of it and I wanted us to start the monthly meeting. Now that I'll be working again, we should start.

Of course, MIL kind of created this monster, because none of her three children are good with money.

lieutenant_dad's picture

I see both sides of this. On one hand, I agree with the above poster's. On the other, I see this more of a mini-vacation for a dad and his sons where rules should be bent - with the caveat being that Dad make it loud and clear to his kids that this is a special occasion and not an everyday thing.

I would be irked if DH spent a few hundred dollars while I was away on the kids without being consulted first since we share income. However, if we didn't share income, who am I to tell him how to spend his money? Additionally, who am I to tell him what he can and can't do in his home, especially when I am not home and nothing was done that caused irreparable or lasting damage? It doesn't impact me (minus the broken decoration, which I would expect to be replaced).

Now, I would tell DH that if his kids start behaving inappropriately toward me because of these shenanigans that I will call them out and punish them. I won't tolerate it, and if he doesn't back me, he can continue to sleep in the guest room as he created this mess of a situation.

strugglingSM's picture

This may be one of the final straws that pushes me toward separate finances. I'm now entering employment again, so maybe time for DH and I to reach an agreement on how we pool our resources to cover common needs and then spend what we want with the rest of the money we have. I'm not necessarily pleased that we couldn't come to some agreement on how to be more financially responsible, but for my own sanity, I need to not see it as hundreds of my dollars being spent on stupid things that are not really needed and will quickly be forgotten.

Also, if DH wants to change the sheets in the guest room and make it presentable for guests after using it to co-sleep with his child, that's fine, but don't sleep in there with your kids and then either expect me to clean it up for guests or not tell me and let guests sleep on dirty sheets!

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

To me, there is a huge element of dishonesty in this situation with your DH. He is making you out to be the bad guy, the killjoy, the person who has crazy rules and prevents the DH from doing things with the kids. This is a huge red flag for me.

The boys are 12?? They are too old to be sleeping with their Dad. Does this man have no boundaries or back bone? And yes, he is going behind your back and lying.

You arent looking for things to be mad at. You have every right to be mad at him for creating the situations which he knows angers you. His behaviour is inappropriate and dishonest, plus disrespectful of you.

strugglingSM's picture

He has no backbone when it comes to his kids and is still working on boundaries...he's also still apparently working on how to be a married man and not just a single dad out having fun with his kids.

strugglingSM's picture

In reading all the posts on this site, I sometimes think there are only really three different BMs and three different DHs and we're all just cycling through them. One thing I've learned from being a SM - people are not really that original, they all behave in pretty much the same way as everyone else!

pixielady's picture

What are you getting out of this marriage? More stress than happiness? More financial instability than stability? More chaos and less peace?

bearcub25's picture

."he's also still apparently working on how to be a married man and not just a single dad out having fun with his kids"

What is wrong with him having a fun weekend with his kids? You are talking about him sneaking around like he went out and bought them new laptops, phones, and hookers.

When I go away for a weekend, yes things are usually not quite the way I like them, but I try and just let it go and keep the good feeling I have from getting away. Something important to me being broken would piss me off, but I put anything I value up in our bedroom years ago bc of skids and grandkids.

There are times I kick DSO to our camp for the weekend so my grandkids and I can have a weekend like your DH did, rent movies, eat junk, and all sleep in my king size bed.

IMO, you had your time away, he had quality time with his kids, and sometimes you have to let the little stuff go.

I think you are overthinking it. You said that it made you feel like he was choosing the skids over you. You went away and did your own thing, so he did his own thing with his kids.
If you come back and start harping on what he did that you don't like, then they will see you as the evil SM and they have to sneak around to just cut loose for a weekend.

Just my perspective and opinion. I know that once I stopped looking for shit to be wrong and for me to nag DSO about, I was in a better mood.

strugglingSM's picture

If DH wants to have a fun weekend, that's fine, but I expect two things from him: 1) he will not spend so much money that he needs to pull from savings to cover every day expenses; 2) he owns it and doesn't try to hide it from me. It's when he sneaks that it makes me suspicious. My view is that if you feel you need to sneak, then you probably shouldn't be doing whatever it is you're thinking of doing.

bearcub25's picture

IF he had told you straight out what he was doing, what would have been your reaction to him?

Would you say 'You guys have a fun 4 days, please limit your spending to X amount since holidays are coming, and don't whine when you puke up all that junk food lol. Love ya.' Or, 'You had better not sleep with them, you had better not spend a lot of money on them, you had better not rough house and break anything.'

You even asked if you were looking for things to be mad about in the title of your post so somewhere that thought has crossed your mind.

I have went away and left my bios with my late DH. Was not happy at the shape of the house and what they all did while I was gone, but the kids had fun, told me all kinds of stories about their time with just Dad and I was glad that they enjoyed being with their Dad for quality time.
I have done the same with the skids, and I was pissed when I got back for the same things I was glad about with my bios and their bioDad. It was just the perspective that I was looking at the situation with.

princessmofo's picture

I believe OP was quoting her husband and his reaction via her post title.

"He tells me I'm making a big deal over nothing and I'm "just finding things to be mad about."

moeilijk's picture

There's a huge lack of trust in your marriage. I'm sure it must be disheartening.

I guess there are few different ways of looking at this challenge. One way might be to take a huge step back and garner all the control you can, to manage the lack of trust. I think that way manages the fear and anger that come with a lack of trust, but it doesn't really move you forward. It kind of locks-in a treading-water position, if you see what I mean.

Another way might be to look for ways to build trust. This is really hard and something I am continually working on in my own marriage. (My marriage is fine, but I have insecurity and other issues from my past that intrude into my future and I want that to become less.) One idea for that is to open up more.

In your situation, which you can go back to anytime, I think I would talk to your DH again. Rather than commenting on or labelling his behaviour, I think I'd talk about its effect on me. "DH, when I'm not here you break all the house rules. That makes me feel like I'm the only one that cares about these house rules. Is that the case?" And let the conversation happen. If he's defensive... well, that gives you a bunch of information right there.

It could be that your DH doesn't respect you, or doesn't have the backbone to be a strong parent unless you are there to 'supervise' him, or doesn't know how to build a meaningful relationship with his kids, or who knows what. Maybe a blend of all kinds of challenges. But by willing to be vulnerable and to share with him just the effect on you (not the blame part, just your own internal, emotional reaction), that might encourage things to improve. And if nothing else, you will learn more about your DH's character and personality.

strugglingSM's picture

There is a lack of trust, but I think more importantly, we have a problem with communication and partnership. I want to feel like a partner with my DH and not that he's just going off and doing his own thing all the time when it comes to his kids. We've just managed to survive a period of unemployment for me and I don't want us to fall back into bad spending habits now that we're getting back on track. When I met DH he was living paycheck to paycheck and couldn't secure a credit card in his name. He allowed me to cover a lot of things under my credit, which I now need to pay off.

Also, he still operates like he can just do whatever he wants when his kids are around even if he knows it's something that will bother or inconvenience me or force a sacrifice on my part. In my view, he needs to compromise, too and not just expect me to give in because he has kids.

I've reached out to a couple of local counselors and none have replied, so I may have to resort to other means to find one, but honestly, if DH and I can't find some way to work together, I'm not sure I can make it for the long haul.

moeilijk's picture

They all go together, don't they? Trust, communication and partnership.

Here are my $0.02.
1. It's not ok to do something that you know will inconvenience or force a sacrifice on the part of your partner.
2. Doing things that bother your partner is a grey zone. DH listens to bad music really loudly in the car. As long as he is by himself, fine. When I'm in the car, he turns it off. You know? If your DH is (to continue the metaphor) not turning off the music when you're there, there's a problem.
3. You do not need to change one little bit because he has kids.
4. It would probably be helpful if there were limits on 'going off and doing his own thing'... financial limits and time limits.
5. Disengagement for you. Like, the fact that he has children should not be a problem for YOU. So limits that are respected (and if they can't be respected, are enforced by you instead) and out-of-sight, out-of-mind.

It seems like yours is a situation where the challenges would seem much more fixable if the excuse wasn't always, "but it's for my kiiiids...." So you need to find a way to really understand that that is just pure manipulation on DH's part. Like a drug addict, he's addicted to playing the hero and doesn't mind using your money to do it.

strugglingSM's picture

He's totally addicted to being the hero...not just with his kids, but at work, and with his family. Me, not so much...maybe because I've shown him that I'll accept him even if he isn't the hero or that I don't try to manipulate him into being the hero.

momjeans's picture

My DH is like this too, in life.

And I’ve always felt our DH’s behaved similarly, in reading your blog.

I feel where you’re coming from. I do.

strugglingSM's picture

There is a lack of trust, but I think more importantly, we have a problem with communication and partnership. I want to feel like a partner with my DH and not that he's just going off and doing his own thing all the time when it comes to his kids. We've just managed to survive a period of unemployment for me and I don't want us to fall back into bad spending habits now that we're getting back on track. When I met DH he was living paycheck to paycheck and couldn't secure a credit card in his name. He allowed me to cover a lot of things under my credit, which I now need to pay off.

Also, he still operates like he can just do whatever he wants when his kids are around even if he knows it's something that will bother or inconvenience me or force a sacrifice on my part. In my view, he needs to compromise, too and not just expect me to give in because he has kids.

I've reached out to a couple of local counselors and none have replied, so I may have to resort to other means to find one, but honestly, if DH and I can't find some way to work together, I'm not sure I can make it for the long haul.

bearcub25's picture

So did you communicate this with your DH? Possibly all he heard was I knew you slept in here bc you moved a pillow and something was broken. He isn't hearing that the problems are long standing and building, just that you looked to see what was out of place so you could have something to bitch about.

That is what my DSO told me a long time ago.

strugglingSM's picture

I've been very specific with DH about why things bother me, but I think he just hears, "I don't like your kids" or "I'm annoyed with your kids", while I'm talking, instead of actually listening to what I'm saying.

Ninji's picture

I had the same thing happen when I had to go away for a month for work. Every rule WE agreed on went right out the window and DH was spending a ton of money on skids while I was away. And my house was a disaster when I got back. That was a few years ago and I didn't say anything about it except to tell the skids that vacation time was over. (I'm past caring if they like me. I just want them to grow up and be able to survive in society) My DH will also "sneak" (but use our joint account so I see the charges) and buy SD things like shampoo when he is taking her back to BM's house. This actually bothers me more because BM gets plenty of CS to buy SD shampoo. I'm sick of providing for another women's house.

I agree with you that it's not what he did, it's how he went about it. He's teaching them to be disrespectful and liars. At least that's how I feel when my DH sneaks shit behind my back.

strugglingSM's picture

That's the irony of my DH trying to sneak eating out or other things...I'm the one who manages all the finances and pays all the bills, even his credit cards, so I always see it. The last time I was away, he said, "aren't you proud of me, we only went to dinner and not the movies?" But, what he didn't tell me was that he'd gone to the movies the night before - which I saw when I paid the credit card that month!

notasm3's picture

"Also, if DH wants to change the sheets in the guest room and make it presentable for guests after using it to co-sleep with his child, that's fine, but don't sleep in there with your kids and then either expect me to clean it up for guests or not tell me and let guests sleep on dirty sheets!"

One of the things that PISSED ME OFF BIG TIME about the "home invasion" last March was that SS32 and his GF slept in OUR bed. We have a lovely guest room with a bed the same size. It has a better mattress - it actually cost twice what our mattress did. Their sleeping and having sex in our bed was a real PISS ON YOU BITCH move.

And this makes me want to vomit - the night we got home from our vacation we stumbled in about 2 am. I dove into bed as I was so tired. I awoke the next morning to realize that I'd slept in their sex shit!!!!! Because of course they didn't change the effing sheets.

Acratopotes's picture

I flipped when I read you have shared finances....

Immediately separate the finances, you are not responsible for their entertainment. And then tell DH, I'm taking my money our of the bank account, or simply just do it, he can do things on his own so can you, if he asks, smile and say..

Hon you do what you want to and I feel like you are undermining me and making me out as the bad guy. When I'm not here you do not parent your children and even co-sleep with them, I'm going to let that go but I've decided to do my own things as well, also reverting back to the way before you, I'm keeping my finances out of the relationship. (or something like that)

If I have financial problems, I will not have combined account, cause there's nothing you can do about the other person spending money like crazy, and if I'm not around and SO decides to splash on SD, knowing we are strapped cash and ignoring it, he will have to live with the consequences,

strugglingSM's picture

Now that I'm back to having my own income, things are definitely going to change for us financially. DH has always objected when I've talked about separate finances, but time and again, he just spends as if it's going out of style when SSs are with him, so for my own security, we're now moving to separate finances.

I have a little under a week to get everything straightened out. DH has a individual account and our joint account. My individual account is currently at another bank, so I think my first step is closing that one and opening an individual account at the same bank as our joint account.

Acratopotes's picture

that will be a mistake Hon, do not move your individual account to the same bank account as the joint account...

people have complained on ST - that their spouses withdrew money from their individual accounts, cause the banks know the person and they do not really make sure DH have signature powers on your account or not, they just take his word. Seriously keep your individual account away from his bank

Amcc13's picture

You talk about your show wanting to be a hero and running around people please. When does he plan to be the hero for his wife ? When does he plan to please his wife?
It seems he has no problem trying to bully you around to his way of thinking and no problem trying to make you out to be the crazy angry chick

Dave Ramsey only works if you are both on the same page - if you agree a budget of 400 for skid weekends for month that's what it stays at- if he wants to change it you would need to have an emergency budget meeting and move stuff to give the extra money. Based on all that is above I can't see that man doing this and that creates financial infildelity which is why you feel so bad about it right now

Honestly separate finances and see a counsellor - if in time he can learn to have open communication about money and be honest with it you could consider going the other way again.

Oh and send his lazy ass up to strip and wash the guest bed !

strugglingSM's picture

I think our challenge is that it's easy to be the hero for other people, whereas, my needs are more complicated.

I think sometimes, DH thinks he's being the hero for me. He buys me flowers all the time and sometimes I'll come home and the kitchen will be totally cleaned. I think all of those things are nice and I appreciate them, but for him to truly be my hero, I would prefer someone who was thoughtful about money or held good boundaries with the annoying people in his life.

The way he is the hero for others is he does one, distinct thing for them - for his kids - buys them stuff; for his mom - completes small tasks at her home; for his employer - gets his work done quickly and with accuracy.

If I had a simple, straightforward task he could easily be my hero. In fact, sometimes he'll say to me, "just tell me what I can do to make you happy?" And I'll say, "I want us to be true partners." And he'll either say, "we are" or I think he's left wondering what that means. I've tried to be more specific in articulating that for him (i.e. providing an example where we didn't act like partners and how we might have done things differently), but being a partner is not, yet, an intuitive thing for him, so when another competing hero task (like taking the kids for ice cream after the movie) comes along, his brain pushes him to that, because that's how he's wired, rather than him thinking like a partner.

pixielady's picture

What in Gods name is he spending hundreds of dollars on in a few days or skid weekend? You can have tons of fun and not spend a lot. This is our problem with SS- because his mom spends so much money on him (expensive gaming consoles) fancy dinners etc, he feels deprived at our house because we don’t spend a lot. A gift from Dh might be a nice book or basketball and dinner might be cheap Chinese if he takes SS out or pizza takeout. Not my problem. We already pay a lot in CS and my DH is cognizant of that so he spends accordingly.

strugglingSM's picture

I ask myself that question and regularly point out fun, free things to do. When it's sunny out, I'm always saying, "let's go outside".

When I met DH he was really spending the farm on SKids. He would take them to expensive restaurants in the city, where they would each get adult meals (they were 8, almost 9 when I met them). There were a couple of times we all went out and their food was more expensive than ours. I've made them order off the kids menu a few places and they would whine about not getting a full adult meal. The first day I really hung out with them, we did *four* expensive activities in one day. We easily could have done one and called it a day, but nope. Part of it for them is DH just indulging them and part of it is now them expecting it. We've cut back a lot - thanks to me, the wicked SM - so now, a movie is a rare treat (especially since with tickets for 3 or 4 people (sometimes I go and sometimes I don't), popcorn, drinks and candy (can't go without of course...can't remember the last time I got concessions at the movie before I met DH), it costs us $50-75 a trip).