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I will NEVER again do something nice for my SS

stepsonhatesme's picture

Today is SS (now 19) b-day. Yesterday, I left him a pm on his FB to let him know I was making him some "crunk"-aka Rice Crispy Treats.
They are his fave and I always make each kid their fav dessert on their b-day. I always have, its just something I do for them.
Anyway he came over and got them. I gave him his B-day card from ME. not me and Dh --just it said "stepson" on the front.
He thanked me and loved the card and crunk. Well, he came back over later to see DH today. Dh was taking him back home as it was humid out and he was carrying his big plate of crunk and some other things. When my Dh got home he went on to tell me that SS had invited him to come eat lunch/dinner with him,MMM and her BF. Well, my DH said that he would have to pass as he had to get some sleep since he works tonight. "and besides I dont know if SSHM is busy if she could go" SS then tells DH " well, never mind if you cant come its ok, she doesnt need to be there"
When my DH told me this I almost cried. I go out of my way to be nice on his b-day to him and he still doesnt want ME there, but its ok for MMM bf to be there. REALLY?!?!?
I am never doing another nice thing for that little SOB. Even my Dh was upset by his comments, and before you all ask ....No he didnt say anything about his comment to him. He just left it alone.


stepsonhatesme's picture

Oh I have already made up my mind to confront him about his comment. I will NOT however tell him how it hurt my feelings. I wont give him that much power over me to know that he hurt my feelings.

mlmt1128's picture

Maybe he thught you would be uncomfortable with his mom and boyfriend if your dh was not there.

stepsonhatesme's picture

No, When he extended the was only to my DH I was not included in it. "Dad do you want to come eat dinner with me and mom and mom bf?" No where in there did he even say my name. This isnt the first time he has done this, he does this EVERYTIME he invites his dad to come eat with him. Its always with MMM and her bf, sometimes it will include his brother (my other SS)and his gf.

stepsonhatesme's picture

I have disengaged for the most part. I was tired of being nothing more than a glorified babysitter to a teenage boy who hates me.
He has been coming around every week just to stop in an see how his dad and I are. So I thought he was growing up and was treating me respectfully.....well I guess not.

jennaspace's picture

I don't know why your DH had to tell you this. I know it's the truth, but it's not something you need to know IMO.

It really helped me to stop doing a lot in terms of gifts. i let DH take care of it now. so much better.