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Update: I still think SS is a lying liar

TrueNorth77's picture

Skids came by us tonight, so my SO was supposed to get to the bottom of how SS’s IPhone 8plus actually got completely smashed. Apparently SD was sleeping when it happened so all she knows is the story that SS is sticking with- the phone fell off the entertainment center, he tried to catch it with his foot and kicked it into something on accident. Oh, and the case allegedly wasn’t on the phone at the time because it was blocking the camera or some crap so he took it off, of course with the intent to put it back on. I call bullshit.

When I asked my SO what the real story was, he just said “yeah, what they originally said, it fell off the entertainment center”, in a tone that indicated he knew he was buying this story too easily, but he didn’t care. He’s not an idiot, he just doesn’t want to admit SS is lying to him. I just let it go. I mean, if my SO wants to just pay the $100 and let SS have the new phone immediately once it gets here instead of teaching him that he needs to take care of it, whatever. It’s absolutely ridiculous, but not my money, and not my monkeys, right? To top it off, SS is using SD’s phone right now to watch YouTube and crap before bed. So he doesn’t even have to go a few days without a phone! Gah. 

Side note, SD9 showed up with a brand-new Fitbit from Crazy. Wtf?? She only buys them crap clothes from Goodwill, won’t even pay $5 for a field trip or contribute to bills, but will buy her a Fitbit? I just can’t.   Dash 1



thinkthrice's picture

there are no gps/tracking apps on these devices!  Horror stories of the HCGUBMs knowing where you are at every second via skid's devices.

oh he used his foot alright.  he stomped it into smitherines or used a hammer HRC style.

TrueNorth77's picture

I didn't even think of this, she absolutely would be tracking our every move! I will check!

Monkeysee's picture

Why does a 9yo need a Fitbit?!? Or a phone for that matter... I just can’t with these parents! ‘All the other kids have one’ is NOT a good enough reason to fall in line with horrible parenting practices. I swear to god most of these parents should never have had kids in the first place. I don’t understand why people are so afraid to tell their kids NO. 

Sorry, that was a total rant lol. With all the participation ribbons, getting rid of ‘winners & losers’ in events like track & field (huh??), positive discipline, and permissive parenting out there, I’m honestly concerned about what the world will look like when these little princes & princesses get out in the working world. It’s ridiculous.

Your OH is doing his kids such a massive disservice, and he has no idea. Ugh. (I’m in a terrible mood this morning, I’m sorry.. lol)

twoviewpoints's picture

Just my 2 cents, but a simple Fitbit Ace (geared towards kids 8+ )  might actually help a few of the obese skids read about around here all the time. *shrugs*


Monkeysee's picture

Fair enough. Though so would having less emphasis on electronics & more time spent outside. Kids are also getting a lot more sweets than they did when I was a kid. At my OSS’s football matches they’re given sweeties by the coach. It was orange slices at halftime when I played. Not sure a Fitbit is the answer, but that’s just MO. 

TrueNorth77's picture

A 9yr old doesn't need a fitbit, is the simple answer. And she is thin- it's totally not for weight control at all. Crazy says she wants to see SD's heartrate (she has a heart condition, which is already monitored by a heart monitor), but My guess is she wants to be able to track her location, and if we find out that's what's happening, she can wear the Fitbit at her moms and that's it.

Monkeysee, I am in the same exact mindset as you about this, and I am just fuming inside, but trying to let it go. I just can't handle how people treat this generation with kid gloves. This morning my SO messaged me and said "So how hard did you go at SS last night about the phone?". I said, What? He said, how much did you say to him about his phone? I said, I didn't say a word about it to him, but I'll be honest, it is taking every ounce of willpower I have. I'm so strong! I said, why? If I had said something, were you planning on getting mad at me for it? He said "I was just curious". Hm.... I think he would have gotten mad at me, unless he was curious if I actually got the real story out of him.

The coddling, no consequences for taking the case off and completely trashing the phone, and immediately having a replacement phone (SD's) so he doesn't even have to go 1 night without is not sitting well with me. How will he learn to take care of his things?? And I KNOW he has thrown controllers at his mom's. GRR. I may not be able to punish him, but I can tell SD that she isn't giving him her phone tonight. He can at least go without a phone until his new one gets here, like every other person would have to do (including me). I'm going to have her give him one of her books instead. SS "can't sleep" without electronics to lull him to sleep (bullshit). He whines to his mom that wifi shuts off at 10pm because "he can't fall asleep without electronics so sometimes he is up for HOURS because 10pm is just too early of a bedtime!".

Deep breath. Not my monkey, not my circus.