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Losing my job AND readjusting my Parenting Plan

spittenfire's picture

So yesterday all employees at the facility I work for was told that our doors will be closing on October 31st. This will display 323 employees. Me being one of them.

Now I have 2 girls DD15 and DD12 and they go to school in town A. I live 30 min away in town B but work in town A. So when me and ex divorced 50/50 custody was easily the best option and exh became the address for educational purposes. In MO that makes him custodial parent.

However I have remained primary parent, I schedule all appointment, take them to most appointments, keep in contact with teachers etc etc. It only worked so well because I worked in town A.

Now I will have to get another job probably in town C. And will no longer be able to maintain the 50/50 custody, I believe it is in my daughters best interest to move to school district B where I live and me become the custodial parent with a more conventional visitation schedule for exH.

We are meeting for lunch to discuss this in 15 minutes. Wish me luck, I dont know how he is going to take it.

My reasons are

He works full time and owns 1 large buisness that he is owner operator of
Partner of a 3rd business
Travels out of town frequently
Does not spend much in the way of quality time with the girls it is infrequent and our youngest is working out these issues in counseling
I will be unable to transport them to school after Sept 15th due to (hopefully having a new job)

Wish me luck that we can work together on this as easily as we have everything else.


spittenfire's picture

No go it turned into him getting arrogant and condescending and me walking out on him.