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snoopyinoz's picture

The SDs and I were having a discussion about names. Both SDs have two middle names no big deal. They were asking why I only had one middle name ect. Out of curiosity I asked SD11 to spell hers and she STILL cannot spell her first middle name correctly. Ok if it were an odd spelling or an odd name I could see this BUT it's MARIE how flipping hard is it to spell? I'm now shaking my head


snoopyinoz's picture

True. DH and I have been over it with her numerous times. I think it's because English is NOT her first language. ASL is. SD11 really didn't even speak until she was 4 almost 5 (thank you BM) because BM discouraged her to speak even to DH. I just get flustered with her sometimes because of it and we have been over it with her numerous times. She, by age 11 Should be able to spell her middle name

RedWingsFan's picture

SD14 asked me how to "spell her name in cursive" - she couldn't SIGN HER OWN NAME in 8th grade. Then, when presented with a shirt in gym class in which she had to write her last name on the back, she spelled it wrong. Yeah, this is not a complicated last name at all. Think Jones, Smith, Johnson, those types of easy, common names.