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seeming dumb question - what do we HAVE to tell BM?

SisterNeko's picture

There have been issues lately with BM not telling BF things and BM flipping out because BF didn't tell her things. So I am just curious, what does BF have to tell BM. I know there is a RO in the divorce barring her from 'interfering in his personal liberties' and I am guessing that I fall under a personal liberty. Smile BM is a major control freak so she wants to be in on everything.

She thinks of course that she has the right to know everything and has sneaky ways to get info. She also gives way too much info out on her personal life but we ignore her. What she doesn't know I have been setting her up from the start, SS6 tells BM everything so I give SS6 little bits of information and he goes back to BM and tell some big random story. So now she has no clue what is really going on and no longer believes SS6's stories. I am working on 'training' BF to not fall of her tricks too. The last time she got him she asked him if he wanted to save the tuxes for the boys from her wedding for ours, because SS6 said we were engaged. Not thinking BF blurted out no and that we were not engaged.

Now I ask because BF and I are talking about Engagement, Marriage and babies. Having read a lot of horror stories on here, I don't really want BM to know when any of those things happen. I mean I assume she will figure it out after the fact. But on BF's birthday this year, BM had a 'major' issue and called BF all weekend and it was awful. She was married to him so I know she KNEW it was his birthday weekend and that we likely had plans.

I don't want her to know when our wedding is or if I got pregnant when my due date (and trust me she would be the LAST person I would tell that I was even pregnant) because I know something would 'come up' on those dates or she would want to 'help/give advice'. And so help me god if she showed up at the church or hospital I would lose it, and yes she is dumb enough to do that. She tried to give me all sorts of help/advise when BF and I first started dating until she went off on BF about me and then still wanted to be 'friendly', I told her that I didn't like her and never to talk to me again. I talk to her now but it's a few words as possible. Smile

BM flipped out yesterday because we went 'behind' her back and got SS4's school picture taken. Grant it that we probably should have told her but... it was just easier this way. She had called BF last week and told him they she wasn't going to try because he threw a fit last year. But we have seen a lot of improvement in him so we were like 'it's worth a try" and BF called his teacher got the forms and paid. Well it went well yesterday and the teacher called BM (and BF) to tell her that it went well. She called BF flipping out because she hadn't filled out the form or paid (he said he took care of it) and then she laid into him about how THEY HAD TALKED about it and AGREED not to. BF was like no you just TOLD me you weren't, I was going to surprise you with them if the turned out. She just said oh.

to be fair BM didn't tell BF there was a parent-teacher meeting this month.

But that is not my concern, my question is if I/WE get engaged, married or pregnant, knowing I would never offer that info up, if BM asks do I have the right to tell her that it's none of her business and to stay out of it? If we have a wedding out of state I would tell her that we were taking the boys out of state but I assume I don't have to say why?


BSgoinon's picture

Generally, I assume BM should be as informed as I am when it comes to school etc. HOWEVER- it is her responsibility to find things out. We don't tell her when picture day is, or when we have parent teacher conf. I don't tell her when SS does well on a test or when he fails (unless she needs to help him with something and the only way she WOULD know is if I tell her). She is the mom, if she is that interested in her son, she will know these things. And find out the same way WE do, from the school. Yesterday was picture day. I don't think she had a clue about it. And I don't care. I filled out the order form, and ordered pics for our house. If she wanted pics she could have gotten her own order form and filled it out (like last year).

If there is something we DON'T want her to know about, we just don't tell SS. She drills him for info, so we give him none to share. Other than that, I don't care what SS tells her. Like at his game a few weeks ago she walked up and said hi, he yelled from the dugout "we got a PS3 last night, it is SO cool!". I just laughed.

MamaBecky's picture

No of course you dont have to tell her...but your SS will anyway so whats really the point in keeping it a secret. Some secrets just cant be kept. Pregnancy is obvious in due time. Marriage is usually planned and word gets out...people get excited and talk. I'm sure a 6 year old would be super excited and busting to tell mommy all about it. You guys share a child with each your going to know things about each other. There is however no reason to give her more then the rudimentary basic facts. She doesn't need details of your personal life or relationship if you aren't friends. When it comes to her child however....just tell her. If it involves him, tell her. I know it should go both ways and maybe if you guys start she will reciprocate more. Maybe not....but just tell her anyway. If you tell her that you are taking the boys out of state and dont say why....doesn't that increase her odds of not agreeing to it? She doesn't need the name of the church or where it's specifics...but in reality she deserves to know where her kid is and what he's doing. (generally, again...not specifics)

When I got married my SKIDS were 11 and 4. BM's both knew we were getting married, and in general where (the town) but not the location, address, phone number etc. Cell phones were shut off.

SisterNeko's picture

lol. We got a camper this summer and SS6 went with BF to pick it out and BF had to give them $10 bucks to open a saving account with the bank the loan was through so SS6 thought we got a camper for $10 and we just let me believe that. When BM and her husband saw it the guy stated, "I bet them put you in debt." BF was just like 'not really' and SS6 chimed in that it was only $10 bucks. Smile

BM flipped out months ago at yelled at BF that she didn't know anything about me. I didn't know she needed to... So I just wanted to check. Smile

She always tells BF what is going on in her life and he just really doesn't care - and usually says that. But I know in her mind she thinks he does.