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SD is skating on some very thin ice

Sia's picture

If you read my last blog, you will better understand this one. DH went home yesterday and told SD to either learn to respect people (Me and Him) or move out. He flat out told her that she was being an arse and she needed to learn how to treat people with respect.

You are NEVER going to believe what her reply was......
She said she doesn't say "thank you" to people and such b/c that is what they expect her to do.... WTF????

She's 18 for gawds sake. DH didn't know what to say. He was floored. Completely floored. He told her to stop being selfish. She also said she hates me and always has. Fine. I dont care anymore. I really don't. BUT, if you are going to live in my house, you WILL respect me, or you will get the f*ck out.... plain and simple.

So after this arguement, she goes to her room, curls up in a ball and cries for hours. DH tried telling her to knock it off and get up and do something, but she wouldn't respond. So he told her that if she didn't knock it off (this is a pity move) that he would call EMS and have her carted off to the hospital for evaluation.... guess what, she got up. She had to work last night, but before she left, she left him some card apologizing to him. Then had the nerve to say that she appreciates everything he does, blah blah blah. Right. Not to put down DH, but he doesn't do 1/2 of what I do for her, so f*ck her and the horse she rode in on. I'm so done.
Completely done.

She told DH that she would never thank me for throwing her that party, or spending months making her a scrapbook (I even included BM in it, didnt want to, but I did it) b/c I "expect" her to.????? I don't get that shit. Doesn't make one bit of sense to me. So she would rather look like an ungrateful terd than to say "thank you". Whatever.

She doesn't work today, which means she will be there when I get home. If she doesn't apologize to me and start showing me some respect, then she will be moving out..... It's my house too, and I fully intend to be treated in the manner in which I deserve for putting up with her crap over the years.....

*please dont respond to tell me I am stooping to her level, etc....dont wanna hear it* thanks


starfish's picture

kick her ass out! }:)

i hope you have learned to quit going out of your way and doing special things for her until she apologizes (in actions as well as words) and learns a little respect....

good luck...... and i hope she has someplace else to be when you get home so you don't have to look at her! I would be fuming!

Sia's picture

You know, you'd think I would've learned by now, guess I'm a slow learner. It finally hit me the other day that every time I do something for his girls, I ALWAYS end up regretting it! ALWAYS. I was trying really hard to think of something I have done for them in which I haven't regretted it, and couldn't come up with one single thing..... sad.

Well, from now on, she either will show respect or she will move out. She's 18, and I no longer feel obligated to keep her under roof!

Sia's picture

No, he thought the card was a bunch of shit.... he said it was a pathetic attempt to manipulate. He's in agreeance with me that she needs to apologize....we'll see what happens

hitlermom_75's picture

Oh yeah! The crying is Ridiculous!!! DH says he doesn't fall for it anymore but he is soooooo WEAK! It was bad enough being manipulated by SD when she was 8 but @ 17 she is a drama queen, throwing herself on the bed and sobbing so loud we can hear her 2 rooms away. DISGUSTING!

now4teens's picture

Oh Sia,
I am so sorry for this. With all you have done for this girl, your dad's health issues, and she pulls THIS SHIT??

Girl, let me be the first to say you have EVERY RIGHT to stoop to her level. Oh, I'd go one step further and say STOOP EVEN LOWER.

Maybe I'm projecting my own feelings about my own ungrateful SD, but I'd say pack up her crap and toss it.

Ungrateful little shyte. My prayers are with you.

Sia's picture

Thanks 5, or 4 now?? heheh
That's the part I didn't disclose...she still has thank you cards from this party to get into the mail, one is to my father. she told DH she didn't owe "those people" anything.... even my dad. That pretty much did it for me right there. That man is dying and came to her freakin party while puking and feeling like crap b/c he knew that none of her family would be there..... she's getting ready to hit the road. Sad part is, she has no place else to go. But, great thing is, I don't care anymore.

starfish's picture

when is the deadline for those cards?? i thought you were sending the money back?

Sia's picture

I was going to, but DH asked if he could speak with her about it first, so I agreed....dumb me! I told him a little bit ago that they MUST be done excuses.... after that, I will send the money back, or donate it.... I dont want to offend my family.

Sia's picture

her BM is mentally ill and isn't capable of taking her in.... Dh's parents suck and BM's mother is also mentally ill, though highly functioning, she just doesnt have anything to do w/SD b/c she lives with us. Its messed up...

now4teens's picture

Yeah- I think that would be my breaking point, too. It's one thing to disrespect me, or my DH. But you damn well cross the line when you blatantly disrespect my parents, especially knowing how sick your dad is.

Oh, she'd be "toast" in my book!

PS- And yes, it's "4" and I'm LOVING every minute of the peace and quiet, as it has been almost SIX MONTHS!!!

mermaid33's picture

Way to go Sia. "you expect me to aplogize so I wont?" WTF??? I am not a step child but when I was 18 my ass go kicked out of my parents house because I was very disrespectful. It helped me learn a lesson.

Sia's picture

she moved back in b/c BM went nuts again. I'd LOVE nothing more than to sell that car, but I'll leave that to DH..... his name's on it, not mine.

sweetthing's picture

Sia honey, I just don't think SD has it in her to get it. It is like she is emotionally devoid due to the BPD. You have so much else on your plate, you don't need this shit going on either. You can either kick her pathetic butt out of somehow learn to accept that she is what she is.

Oh & I agree with DPW ( she is so smart Lol take away the wheels, hit her where it hurts.

stepoff's picture

Oh, Sia. We should get our SD's together sometime. I feel you sister! Time for your SD to put up or get the hell out. And I would demand an apology from her AND a thank you!

anabihibik's picture

I'm sorry you're dealing with that now, too. Some how, I think this would roll off you a bit more if it didn't involve your dad. I don't blame you at all for being mad. Life and choices are all about consequences and if she isn't understanding that, she's in for a hard road as an adult. You can't make someone get some common sense.