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Just something light

Sherrylyn's picture

I see so many good on line names. I guess I missed the boat. I could have been Stepzilla. I also could have been Chupacabra Bon Bon Hi, the name I plan on going by when I finally go crazy. Oh missed opportunities.

Anyone can feel free to use either.


happy mom's picture

I know I see that too, mines is something of a goal to happy all the time, yeah right! Trying everyday. "Stepzilla is a good one!"

Sherrylyn's picture

In Scouts Canada I was Scouter Evil, that was a name. It would be so funny/ironic when a little egghead with a sweet voice would say "Scouter Evil can you help me?" It would almost make me laugh.

SympatheticBioDad's picture

I think you can change your user name in your account settings. If you do, I think it changes it everywhere (all posts and comments). I would put a little note in your bio though to let people who know you by your current name that you changed it. Smile


Sherrylyn's picture

Thanks SympatheticBioDad, but now I feel like I have it going pretty good as Sherrylyn. It's just hindsight. It's sort of like my cousin who had a perfectly good name & started to change her name she goes by at a whim. It's changed 3 times already but she never makes it legal. Thanks again.

Also let me say how nice it is to have a biodad on the site. Glad to have you in our group.

Sweetie's picture

Hi Sherrylyn,
Thanks for the break with the smile and a laugh--I really needed it today! And I especially enjoyed your resourcefulness with the names!
Hindsight is always 20/20 when you think of something funny!