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Even DH is annoyed

SeeYouNever's picture

As you know we decided to do Christmas early this past weekend since we're pretty sure we're not going to see SD again before January. This is fine with me because I want to limit people we see due to covid. 

My husband shopped for SD off of a Christmas list that BM gave him but this was apparently BM's list and SD was preparing a separate list for DH. She was pretty upset that we got some things off of BM's list though it was a pretty long list already. My husband was not happy about the Christmas list greediness and I actually overheard him talking to one of his friends on the phone about how SD was being brat over the weekend. I seriously love him more when he feels the same way about SD that I do! 

DH never gets SD on Christmas or on her birthday so he never gets to watch her open presents on an actual holiday. Most of the time he just sends them to BM's house. This past weekend was a chance for him to actually see her open her presents. However she refused to open all of them but he got her to open one. She then proceeded to act like she was pretending she won an Oscar. It was the most awkward and transparently fake display I've seen in a long time. She kept saying "I don't know how to act" in a fake accent while pretending to be gracious? It was so bizarre. After that I think my husband was totally fine with her just opening one present. I don't even know what to make of her overly dramatic behavior does anybody else have a tween girl that acts that way?

As she left she said "I'll be sending you my OTHER list soon." Yeah sure you do that just don't be surprised if you don't get anything off of it. 


Aniki-Moderator's picture

He should return all of the other gifts. If he gets anything else for the princess brattitude, it should be a freaking gift card. 

tog redux's picture

Why does he keep indulging this spoiled brat? Give the rest of her presents to charity, and next year she gets a $50 gift card. 

SeeYouNever's picture

Over the years he has gotten her less and less, now it's just clothes and books rather than the really expensive stuff. I think it's more to complete with BM or avoid BM guilting him about being a deadbeat than pleasing the brat.

tog redux's picture

He can put BM on full IGNORE. Block her texts and divert her emails to a folder that he checks once a week - and delete any emails that contain any guilt-tripping.

He's giving BM way too much power.

Stepping Along's picture

Best to tell SD to practice her Oscar runners-up “performance" - she'l be needing it!!

I am one of 9 kids (8 girls - 4 blood, 4 steps across two houses), i am also now a step mum.... I have never heard of such theatrics, but I think everyone of my parents would have canceled Christmas for SD if we acted that way 

Wilhelm's picture

Is it our fault for overindulging children. One child, one gift. When you have everything you want handed to you there is not much to look forward to in life.