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Feeling Nervous

samysmile's picture

Okay, I guess i'm going to start at the beginning so it all makes sense. In my freshman year of high school, i had a best friend, K. We were thick as thieves. She met her boyfriend, A, at 14, and A and i didnt get along too well. Long story short, she moved away, but we stayed close, and when she got pregnant, there was no arguement that S was my niece. During her pregnancy, she really missed me, and A and i began to get along so her and i could see eachother. well, Their relationship fell apart, and A came to me for advice from K's best friend on how to keep his family together. One day, the messages weren't about keeping his family together, but that he had been kicked out of his house and replaced by his brother. This man was destroyed. He started working at 15 to provide a life for that girl and she just dumped him, leaving him with nothing but his clothes and his truck to live in. It began so innocently. I just wanted to be his friend and help him through his hard time, but we fell in love. Not that fast paced teenager love that everyone expects from an 18 year and a 21 year old, but the kind that takes you over before you even realize, suddenly they're your air supply. Well, clearly, i knew he had a daughter, and 4 months into our relationship, K asked him to come to the park with her and S, and i decided to tag along. All of a sudden, everything started moving in fast foward, this was in the beginning of Octoboer, by the middle, we were living together and taking her 4 days a week. Now, K has moved 7 hours away and on the 5th we begin month to month visitation, which will eventually becomes every three months, then 6, so on and so forth.. I love S, so is so beautiful and smart and loving, you can't help but be mesmerized by her tiny little face. K and i are still as friendly as ever, and shes been calling me S's stepmother since the first day at the park. But i just finished high school, i was supposed to start college next month, now im a stay at home stepmom every other month because A works 13 hours a day 6 days a week. There are so many responsibilities that i never thought id have to be ready for yet. Babyproofing and crib building and bathtime and mealtime and laundry and chasing, this wasnt supposed to be my life yet, i was so careful in high school, everyone around me was getting pregnant, i was studying. It feels so strange, to have people look down at me like im some stupid girl who got knocked up at 16. No. i stepped up and am taking care of a child that didnt ask to have all of this drama in her life, for her father that is working so hard to save and provide for us, and for her mother that apparently "needs time to get things done." Now, if you'll excuse me, i have babyproofing to do, thanks for reading my vent Smile


notarelative's picture

I'm having difficulty with the math.

K was 14 when she met A. You and K we're both freshmen so you were 14 also.
A started working at 15 to provide for K.

Now you're 18 and 21.

The age difference seems to have changed.

robin333's picture

So instead of college, you put your life on hold so K can have time to get herself in order? Do you get the faulty logic in that?

blayze's picture

Bravo! Standing ovation!! Yes, yes, yes. Meaningful relationships come from WANTING, not NEEDING a man. Preach, sister.

Just54321's picture

OP are you insane?!?! Have you read ANYTHING on this website?? Go home to your own mother and finish up your own childhood before being responsible for some other woman's baby. Good lord are throwing away your future!!!