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BF is THE worst parent ...

sammmx's picture

Just this week alone:

- Sent SS2 to bed at 5:30pm with no dinner because wouldn't eat his potatoes or vegetables and yelled at him when he opened his bedroom door and said he was hungry later at 7pm.
- Let SS2 and SS9 watch Jackass movie with him.
- Got SS2 from daycare at 2pm and when I got off work at 5:30pm SS2 was still in the same diaper from daycare and it was practically exploding.
- Has not mad SS2 or SS9 bathe, brush their teeth or change their clothes since Thursday.
- Was playing basketball in the living room next to the flat screen with the boys.

The list goes on and on ... This is just this week alone. And of course when I commented on any of the above issues I got "Oh listen to the parenting nazi over here" ... Frustrating.


StickAFork's picture

Why are you with him?!?
I could never be with a man who sends a TWO YEAR OLD to bed with no dinner or doesn't bother to change his diaper.

What is so attractive about men like this????

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

He sounds very immature. He has zero parenting skills. If you are concerned for the children, seek help.

Disneyfan's picture

Why do you stay with this man? He's a sorry excuse for a father. He never told you about one of his kids. He still has a thing for BM. What makes him a keeper?