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Illnesses effect everyone. Glad we're in a lull for a sec.

roseslady2's picture

DH has just finished one of the worst manic episodes I've seen since we married. He is coming down in the last 3 days, but it was damaging. SS15 will probably soon decide not to live with us. I told him I would understand. He's probably the only one that understands what I go through with DH because he's usually around when DH has a problem. Now that DH is getting stable, he has agreed to do some counselling, see a doctor regularly (probably every month to evaluate his reaction to meds/supplements/other treatments), and create more stable routines around the house. He also agreed to spend less... but I'll believe it when I see it.

Anyway, even BM is getting in on the effects this month. I just paid her the money for insurance. She texts and says "don't you usually give me $170?" Umm.... according to my back checkbook, I gave $140 for 3 of the last 6 months and all of the others have "changes" made to them, like hair cuts, supplements/meds, and $$ for doctor's visits. I think she is just still up in the air from DH's episode... I think we all are.

The day after DH finally broke, SS15 tried to lie to BM about who he was spending time with one night. DARNIT! I just shake my head. It's like he just can't stop himself. We were just all starting to trust him again and he does something like this. I was kinda hoping for some down time from taking care of other ppl for just a few days (it's BM's week with the skids). So, we figured out some severe punishments/discipline. He's going to be very busy for the next few weeks doing stuff that he doesn't like doing. He's also cut off from phone and internet contact.... death to a 15 year old. We all view lying as far worse than most other stuff the skids could do. I'd be far easier on them if they tell the truth.... Lying gets our full force because it dishonors us, as well as the person they're lying about. Argh... I hate it that he seems not to want us to trust him. I'm so frustrated for him and his gf because this stuff is hard on a relationship. If he would act like that, his relationship would just have the normal hardships instead of the added pressure of us breathing down their necks.

SS10 seems to be very calm this week. In fact, he seems to have matured a tad. And he sure is making my life good the last few days. I love his enthusiasm and imagination. Sometimes, they're overwhelming, but when I can get away a little, I love it.

Well, off to see about a second job. Hope you are all doing well.


Willow2010's picture

Wow. SOrry to hear all of this. Hope it gets better. Has your DH always had these issues?

roseslady2's picture

DH has had these issues since before me, but I didn't realize how bad they were because he was "up" or stable the whole time that we dated and for the first 6 months of our marriage. The first bad full cycle I saw of his was shortly after I changed jobs, he changed jobs, and the skids started staying with us 50/50. Stress and lack of sleep lead him to need some extra counselling. Right around then, we discussed with his doctor taking him off of meds and the doc said it was possible and likely that he would do ok. He's been off of meds for almost 4 years now. He has only had 3 major cycles and this last one was the worst. Not the longest (the longest was 6 months long), but it was more severe than I've seen. This is the first time I've been sitting on the bed discussing with him whether I should call the hospital or not.