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Mom and Dad brought the kid home last night.

Rags's picture

My parents have been getting the kid prepared for his DL test and dad has been putting him through the former Marine fitness program getting him prepped for Basic Training.

The kid scored a 97 on his driving test on Tuesday. The only points he missed was at the very beginning when the DPS tester asked him to cycle through the turn signals and brake lights. After that the tester told him to proceed forward. The kid put the car in drive, hit the gas and nothing happened. He forgot to turn the engine on. Not a huge deal but a classic kid move.

Dad has rolled the kid out every morning except Sunday for the last 4wks for a work out. 8Mile hike with 5Lb wrist and ankle weights on Monday, 5miles on the hill from hell on Tuesday, 100 flights of stairs and 10 reps with weights on the bench on Wednesday, 5Miles with wrist and ankle weights on Thursday, 250pushups 250sit ups 250squats and 25reps on the bench on Friday, 6miles no weights on Saturday.

Dad says that the biggest motivator is "come on, you have to be able to keep up with a 68yo man". I have to say that there is not a snowballs chance in hell that I could keep up with my 68yo "Old Man".

I had breakfast with M&D before they went home this AM. Some interesting stuff came out of our breakfast discussions.

It is included in the below e-mail I sent to my wife when I got to my office this AM.


Good morning beautiful. I had breakfast with Mom and Dad. C did not want to go and stayed in bed. M&D left for RR right from breakfast.

Dad wrote out (Kids) exercise plan and I wrote the turn by turn directions to the recruiter's office for C. We shall see if he gets there and back successfully.

M&D again suggested that (Kid) go to basic ASAP so that he does not loose ground on his conditioning and so that he gets rolling on his life. An interesting thing that came up in discussion was that C initiated some conversation about his BioDad and that side of his family. (SpermGrandMa) has not called since August. He has not spoken to the boys except when they are with (Sister) when (Kid) and (Sister) talk, He talks to (BioDad) occasionally but rarely ..... and, wait for it .......... "(SpermGrandMa) drinks a bunch of boxed wine". Apparently Glenda is quite the wino. Which, in hind site, clarifies a bunch of the drama that we have experienced with her over the years.

Her volatile mood swings, etc...... It is interesting that he never brought any of this up with us. I guess he was protecting us from being upset about it and protecting them from any consequences that we would have invoked on them had we known.

He really is good young man, with a maturity problem, but a good young man none the less. He is polite, well behaved, engaging and a pleasure to be around. He has the intellect and potential to be truly outstanding. Time will hopefully get us there.

You have done a good job MOM!

You might find it interesting that my mother thinks I am obsessed with (the Kid) and his moving forward with his life. I told her no more than she was with getting Bro and I successfully to adulthood. She did not like that comment so much but we had a good laugh about some of the stupid crap that Bro and I pulled when we were teens experiencing explosive brain-fart-itis.


So, SpermGrandMa is a wino. Classic. I wish I had know about this during my entire StepDad career. I would have gotten a lot of mileage toward tormenting the toothless moron SpermClan had I know SpermGrandMa is a boxed wine junkie. }:)

I have a question. Is my Mom right? Am I obsessed? :?

I don't think that there is any doubt. Biggrin I am most definately obsessed with getting the kid to viable adulthood and pushing him to over come the influence of the shallow and poluted end of his gene pool.

Best regards,


ESM's picture

How about passionate.
Does that cushion the truth a little more? HAHAHA

Seriously, I think you have done an amazing job and understand you 'passion' completely.