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Update on school issue

praying's picture

Sorry for posting so much today. I got some free time. All I am doing today is checking up on Ss occasionally. My Dh got back and told Ss of our plan for him to do the online school. Ss said he didn't want to do that and he wanted to go back to school.

Of course we were happy but Dh did ask him if he was sure and he said "Why wouldn't I be?". We shut up immediately. Then he said he would rather be in school then spend any more time with us. That was a knife through our heart. My Dh was just as hurt as I was but he did "We will do anything to make you happy. I hope you know that". We got the Ss trademark "Whatever". Then he went back to lying under his covers. Well, I guess me spending late nights looking up home schooling was a waste. But we are still happy he wants to go back to school, even if he would prefer possible bullying over being in our presence (my feelings were really really hurt when he said that. We bend over backwards for him).

That's that. He goes back Monday. Hopefully having 6 kids expelled makes the other students rethink their actions. Apparently there was an assembly on bullying after the incident with Ss. I am praying with all my heart that it gets better for him.


praying's picture

I am glad you raised your kids right. I never ever imagined school could be so vicious. It is really sad.

asheeha's picture

me too!!!

i think it would be perfectly fine for you all to tell ss that it hurts your feelings that he says things like that. it's as bad as him putting a knife through your heart (well unless you think he might actually be violent of course).

you know...don't be afraid to love him to pieces no matter WHAT he says. give him a HUGE hug, make him his favorite meal on occasion, leave him a note. even if he doesn't hug you back, even if he doesn't eat the meal, even if the note is shredded. don't give up...just keep doing it...over and over and matter how much he rejects you! take him fun places...even if he sulks...

my brother HATED my moms guts, she's his step-mom...but she was ALWAYS good to him. and now he loves her like she's his bio-mom. the thing he remembers most is that she always gave him the best hugs.

i hear how hard it is and compared to you i feel like my life is a cake walk...i pray god just showers you with peace and perseverance and healing!


Most Evil's picture

Hey, that is great I think!! He will have to live in this world, so at least he wants to get back in it!!!

Some of his angst is due to being a teen too, I am sure, if that is any encouragement!! HUGs to you, and I am praying for you guys Smile

Doubletakex3's picture

^^^agree. I think it's very courageous of him....his reasoning; however, is awful.^^^