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Cancer vs Steplife

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

22 year survivor of steplife married to an abusive man with abusive relatives vs my oral cancer.

You know-the oral cancer might not be as bad.



positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Thanks.  I needed that.  Smile

All you noobs who are saying should I stay or should I go heed my words.

If you have an abusive husband who lets his miniwife kid and XW and whoever abuse you and encourages it you need to go.  I didn't for many good reasons but the time I spent here in stepland was soul crushing and spirit destroying. 

I am telling you if it's bad enough you might wind up thinking cancer ain't so bad too.


CLove's picture

I have more good days than bad, so I stay. Sometimes things are downright peachy keen fine-to-great.

Im so sorry you had to endure that. Now you can seek some thereapy or healing in your own ways.

Now you can go completely no contact with your departed spouses family.