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Skid Resolutions?

onelife's picture

Anybody have New Year's resolutions pertaining to skid life?


Divorce, disengage, make more of an effort, make a happy household?


Anything goes!


Lndsy747's picture

I don't do resolutions I usually chose more of a theme. This year is about decluttering and organizing my life/home.

SD is PAS'd but it seemed here was hope that she may return again for a while. Now she's gone silent. I've decided she's something I'm letting go of in 2019. I'm done caring if she has a relationship with her dad or if my daughter ever knows who she is and she grows up. I'm done feeling bad that she's had a crap childhood it's not my fault or problem.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

No resolutions regarding skids. I will continue on as before: Not my circus; not my monkeys.

TwoOfUs's picture

My skids are out and mostly on their own (we still have them on our cell phone and are helping OSD with her insurance...but this is minor.)

I’m thinking of some goals to work toward. In my relationship with number one goal is to be more open / honest and forthcoming. I don’t want to hurt him, but I’m fed up and seriously considering leaving...which I’m certain he doesn’t suspect in the slightest. It may not be fair of me to do this before laying out clearly what I want and why I’m unhappy...I don’t know. I feel like he should know and do better on his own without me telling him all the time. I mean...I didn’t need anyone to tell me how to behave like an adult or grow up...I just did it. So why is it my job to push him toward better, more responsible decisions? Frankly, it’s exhaustzing.

So...yes. My New Years goal is to figure this out and/or leave...

TrueNorth77's picture

Yes- Try to let things roll off my back more with skids instead of letting them get to me. When every little thing SS does is on my nerves, I'm going to do my best to ignore, and tell myself he's just a kid and this isn't a big deal. Not worth stressing about.