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In the beginning...

Nomadmommy's picture

I married a 23 year old man with a 2 year old that he had outside of marriage with a woman who had already just had a kid with a man who ran out on them and so his daughter's older sister grew up to know him as daddy as well. This woman was lazy, dirty, neglectful, sleeping all day leaving the children to be cared for by everyone and anyone else in the home. She shoved dirty diapers under the bed, never bathed the the kids, fed them mostly mcdonalds. When he left her and she found out about me she became so "heart broken" that she up and left her home in florida (actually she was evicted for not paying rent) and moved to alabama with her new meth head boyfriend. She began doing meth herself and her boyfriend wound up abusing her children. My husband recieved a call from child services one night with news that his daughter was in the hospital having been badly beaten. We wound up getting custody of both children. I, a 20 year old, unprepared for motherhood had two disobedient toddlers 2 and 3, dropped in


Nomadmommy's picture

His, I don't have kids of my own. The 2 year old is his biologicaly. The 3 year old he just sorta adopted unofficially.

GiGi222's picture

See the main thing with blended families is that you never really know what you "signed up for". Your DH could have the kids and then they move with BM, or vice versa. Or you can go through your whole lifetime with EOW.
What happened while they were in the care of their BM is absolutely horrific. I am glad that they both have since been removed from the situation.
I know it can be majorly stressful going from having no kids in the home to 2 and toddlers at that. But you guys have to pull together and keep your marriage strong.
You guys are both young. But you can still make it. Perhaps you and DH can take turns watching the kids on a Friday night so you each can go out for a few just to have some time to collect yourself. I know it can be rough.
Toddlers can be disobedient in general. They enjoy testing boudaries. You both have to be firm with the rules and be stern until they get the hint that they can't mess with you guys. Please try and give it time. The kids have been through something terrible and are lucky to have you and your DH Smile

Nomadmommy's picture

My husband and I are already getting divorced for reasons that have nothing to do with the kids. Mainly cuz he raped me. I can't stand the thought of him touching me. I don' want him anywhere near me ever again.