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Hey, BM's been a bitch, but let's give her what she wants...

noidea1010's picture

I am very frustrated right now, mainly because I'm not disengaged as much as I would like sometimes (advice of the counselor). So...maybe I'm overreacting and I know you ladies will definitely put me in my place if I am. I certainly depend on it, even if it makes me realize I've been stupid.

Crazy was on a rant on friday about all these things that she wasn't going to give SO, because he's such an asshole. That's a different blog...SO had originally asked for SD early today, since they were both off, school and work. Crazy says that she's not granting him any favors since he's such an asshole and that he can pick her up at the agreed time. As it gets closer to that time, Crazy texts and asks if SO is going to get SD or if he wants her to keep SD. He asks what SD wants. (so annoying for me, because it's not her choice AND he told SD that she was going to be grounded when she got here because she cheated in school last week. Of course she doesn't want to come here if she's not grounded there!) Anyways, Crazy says she wants to keep SD because they are working on a school project. And SO is all, oh, well if you're working on a project, I guess she can stay.

Really? Still going to be the nice guy after all her crap?! Not to mention, according to the school log, she's got no project due this week in that class. Ignoring that she's been with Crazy for the whole weekend and previous week.

Wow, just wow.

And here I thought we might eventually use your balls to make some kids of our own some days...guess we'll have ask Crazy for them first.


SituationalTourettes's picture

You ever read a post and think "Holy shit - did I write a post and not remember doing it cause this one sounds just like my life!" Yep, BM is a wicked bitch and suddenly because she decides to "play nice", it's like the last few years or months or how ever long she's been a vicious harpy never happened.

Why? Oh well, that's good "coparenting"! Oh, kiss my ass.

Sometimes I think the damn DH's are part of the whole Golden Uterus shit too just because they are relieved that there isn't at any drama and don't want to hold the bitch responsible for her actions. She makes the rules, then you're giving her your balls. End of story.

HadEnoughx5's picture

BM is PASing and DH is too stupid to see it. Read "Divorce Poison" by Richard Warshack. Maybe if he reads it, he'll find his relationship with BM in there.