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Desperate Housewives + a stepfamily dynamic…

Nise's picture

Okay I hate to do it but I HAVE to go here….LOL…does anyone watch Desperate Housewives? I was just reminded (last night) of the season’s cliff hanger and the character Lanette is going to be in for one heck of a Season…just to catch you up, her husband just found out that he has an 11 year old daughter…the biomom is a COMPLETE NUT JOB!!! And used the “back child support” that she basically extorted from them to put a down payment on a house FIVE MINUTES away…so there is now a step family dynamic on Wysteria Lane!!! I can’t wait….


goldenlife's picture

I got a look at her last season - YIKES! I hope she doesn't give our BM's any ideas? Not that they couldn't give any of the DesHouse writers a run for their money! lol

*livin' my life like it's golden*