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Anyone else's Valentine's Day plans get squashed??

Newstep's picture

Or is it just me Sad Not that I am all too happy with SO right now but it would be nice to go out to dinner. SD came home from BM's yesterday "sick" again. She didn't go to school either, so when I got home she was supposed to be in bed but pushover SO let her get up and run around following him everywhere because she was bored. WTF ever is she is too sick to go to school then she should be to sick to be bored right??? Anyways I asked if she had a fever he hadn't checked but she said her BM took her temp earlier and she had one. Okay fine I disengaged off to my bedroom because I can't stand to see him be such a pushover. I could hear her talking and laughing in the living room with him so I figure she must have had a miracle recovery. Oh no she of course is "sick" again this morning so he lets her stay home again and he took off work to stay home with her. Well I just texted him about dinner plans just a simple "Is dinner still on tonight?" I get a 20 min phone call back on how she is really sick and we can't leave her. Oh and how I didn't ask how she was like I was some terrible monster. But when I did ask about her symptoms he had no straight answers and he still hadn't checked her temp and he wanted to change the subject real fast. Yeah I don't buy it unless she just happened to get sick today.

So I said okay fine well I will be home late I am meeting up with some friends for dinner. Here is how that went

SO-So you aren't coming straight home?
Me-Nope I want to go out to dinner
SO-well uh uh SD is sick
Me-you are taking great care of her you don't need me
SO-ok fine I guess I will see you later
Me-Bye Bye

So now when I get home I am sure she will be the center of the universe because she is sick and I get to spend Valentine's Day having fun with my friends. SO gets to play guilty daddy again!!!


Newstep's picture

Thanks Smile I am meeting up with a group of girlfriends we used to get together every year on Valentine's Day. We just threw it all together this morning and everyone is able to make it so it's kinda like a reunion LOL I had a feeling SO was going to cancel on me so I responded with a HELL YES when I got the FB invite }:)

forestfairy's picture

Good for you! You are going to have a blast. I agree with DorothyPW too, more women should be like this! Why should your day get ruined? Plus, if DH had some sort of plan going on to make you stay home and be miserable with him, it just backfired.

Have fun!

NotSureAnymore's picture

And while your at it go buy yourself a nice present for being such a beautiful companion and putting up with your SD's crap and guilty daddy syndrome you DH puts you through. Use your imagination - splurge and dont think of the consequences. Im sure your DH doesnt think twice about spending over $60 on bills or maintenance for his daughter.
Take photos of the occassion also... and be the centre of attention and make the evening about you. If SD says she is sick say "I hope you get better..." and then immediatly direct the conversation back at you. DH will then see the fun he missed out on. Also another issue is that your SD seems to need to be the centre of attention, bet she does everytime there is an event that is about someone else. Bet she isnt sick on her birthday Blum 3

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

Yep! I had plans to do dinner and a movie. The restaurant I wanted to go to would not take my reservation and the movie I picked yesterday doesn't show as playing today so I'm stuck at home. Very well, I can hardly move anyways.

Then SO started an argument with me. Everything was going wonderfully then the kids got home from school, they weren't even in the house 5 minutes, SO said to them that I had laundry for them to do and he was going to go to the basement and bring it up, now when he says he is going to do something he usually takes like an hour, he asked my oldest to go downstairs, she said she wanted to hang out in her room till it was time, of course he had to act like a dink and demanded that if she wasn't going to go downstairs and wait that she could give back the little Valentine gift I had literally just handed her. She got upset and threw it on the bed and walked out. I told him it was uncalled for, there was no problem with her waiting in her room until it was time and why would he demand she give back the gift? So he went to give it back to her, at this point she was reluctant and pissy and giving attitude. It all blew up into like a million other things with him, he kept twisting everything around to shift blame off of himself. I told him I understood he was frustrated but I felt the way he acted way petty. This kind of crap has been going on for a while, he makes mountains out of mole hills constantly and he feels he can talk shit to the kids but they must respect him. I said you know you would get a lot further with the kids if you asked nicely, please and thank you and did not just go off barking and yelling at them. He acts so childish about some things and I told him you are the adult, she is the child and I'm sick of him acting like she is a mini adult, she's Autistic and her thought process is very different then ours, he just doesn't seem to get it.

My daughter thinks that he doesn't like her and went onto say that he's been rude lately and yells over everything, which is true, I'm sick of his attitude as well towards the kids. When I told him that she voiced these concerns to me he just kind of said whatever, then told me he wasn't making any dinner (something he said he would do for V day) then went to sleep! Just pissed me off even more because it seemed like nothing that had just happened was worth fixing or resolving.

So he got up, spoke to my daughter, we resolved some things and then he promptly started barking orders again! UGH! Just sooooooooo sick of it.

I understand that kids need boundaries and rules and when they get into trouble they get punished but I've also told him time and time ago to pick and choose his battles because it's just stupid to ground a child for 7+ days PLUS take EVERYTHING they enjoy away and then attempt them to do double the amount of chores they are usually asked to do just because they whined, or talked back. They SHOULDN'T but no kid is perfect and it is gonna happen once in a while and for things like that I think having them not go outside to play for the night or whatever is suffice. I dunno, maybe I'm too passive? I just think he goes overboard with the punishments sometimes.

bi's picture

he sounds a lot like the sf i had as a kid. he literally went looking for things for me to be in trouble for. i got grounded because i left some clothes on my bedroom floor at 8years old. and his groudings were always a week or 2, and i got "spanked" with a belt, too. you would think one or the other would be enough, but no. it had to be both. maybe your dh isn't that bad, but he has an issue with his constant power plays.

B22S22's picture

power plays -- that's exactly what they are! My DH is like that too sometimes. It seems he can't just "ask" a question, he has to put that snotty, guilty before proven innocent tone into it when talking to my kids sometimes. Pisses me off. And he jumps to conclusions (his own, twisted, usually WRONG) conclusions and runs with them, thus alienating the kids even more. Maddening. And I always have to remind him -- if he'd just take a moment, think about how he's phrasing his questions or statements and not come off so demeaning or accusatory maybe, JUST MAYBE, my kids would open up to him.

Funny, I never hear him speak to his kids "that way". Oh wait, that's because they might get angry at him for his tone and "not come over anymore"....... aaaarrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh

Newstep's picture

I had a blast!!! It was so fun getting out and hanging out with old friends. I ate way too much yummy food and laughed till I cried. Smile Our table got drinks sent over from some guys too!!! We told the waitress thanks but we are all married (even though I'm not) it was nice to be noticed. Got home and SD was in bed :O and SO was pouty LOL I told him all about my night and seeing me so happy and excited turned his mood around he apologized to me for cancelling. He even said he was glad I had fun but he is taking me out on Friday for our celebration and SD is going to his brothers house. She started to whine about it this morning when he told her but he shut her down fast. I was shocked!!! I have appointments tonight and tomorrow night so I will get home late again so she can have her daddy all to herself then he is all mine on Friday }:)

I was kinda sad that we missed Valentine's Day together but now I am SO GLAD that I went ahead and went out. It seems to have opened his eyes. So it turned out well.