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DH Adjusting to My Behavior Towards SD

NewBeginning's picture

Since I've disengaged from his daughter DH is slowly seeing I mean business.

I do not speak of her nor do I answer him when he speaks of her. Any words he wastes on or about her go unanswered by me. I say not one word nor give any indication I've heard him.

One thing I have noticed him's began to say such things as "Now..I know my daughter's a little shit..and I know I can't change her..but I love her..." and his voice trails off.

My answer to that?


He does it at odd times. A part of me can tell he wants me to respond..but I do not.

He told me the other day that he saw her for lunch..I said nothing. During that lunch he said she asked her 28yo half brother to be her son's godfather. Said he was very proud of his son and he would make a wonderful godfather if anything happened. I still said nothing.

And I adore his 28yo son..but I still said nothing.

I would have to be blind to see he's still trying to build her up to me in small ways. He is wasting his breath because I've already got my mind set on her true colors and how I intend to deal with her.

How I intend to deal with her is how I am right now..I am doing nothing with her..nothing about her..absolutely nothing. I don't wish to talk to her..see her..smell her..nothing.

She's made her feelings clear to me and how much she hates me. How I've turned her father into a horrible person. How I've ruined everything.

Fuck her and everything she stands for. I don't intend on changing for much of anything for quite some time either.

The only sad part of this? Her son is adorable and so lovable..and because of her I will never get to know that sweet little boy.

And the horrible part of this? My DH's family all puts up with her due to my DH..they all pretty much can't stand her but because they love my DH they allow her around. So I have upcoming births, wedding, birthday parties, be near that little bitch. I hear all the complaining but yet they all try to let it go long enough for my DH.

I don't know how to do that and don't plan on doing that. I love my DH but cannot stand his daughter. And I'm not afraid to show it either.


alwaysanxious's picture

Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin

Good for you!

I have experienced similar. I need to be more strict though and say absolutely nothing when he speaks of her. Good lesson for me to see your experience.

So happy its helping you!!!

Eyes Wide Open's picture

You GO, girl! I feel the exact same way about SD25, and have pretty much done the exact same thing as you. Basically, it falls under "dead to me" whenever DH mentions her. I do not wish to be with her, near her, speak of her. It took awhile for DH to realize that I meant it, but he's caught on. He can do whatever he wants with her, whenever he wants. However, he will NOT bring her here. She no longer has the privilege of nice gifts purchased by me or meals cooked by me. He gets to figure out all of that. I have moved away from her and her poison and focus my attention on people who are NORMAL--no more whining, no more baby daddy drama, nor more trailer trash. He created her, he can deal with her.

Yme's picture goal in life! Smile
I just don't get how people can say "well you know that is how_____(filling entitled hateful mean person's name here) and you cant change _____. Just gotta love them..." BUT God Forbid we step parent say or do ANYTHING to try to get the above named person to become selfless/balanced/caring/respectful and WE and Damned to HELL for ever!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!