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All the issues and baggage HE had and he acts like I did all the wrong???

MrsFitMama's picture

I'm so angry and upset... just contemplating everything. I had a good life going for me... I was going through school with a goal to be in the FBI, had a good single life, only myself to worry about, and job offers. Gave that all up for one idiot man who took me for granted. I gave up everything I knew to marry and move to be with him out of state.

With him, I accepted his issues... he lived in a shanty of a house without AC and heat (you can see your breath when you breathed!), he had 2 kids from a previous relationship, the numerous custody battles and drama that comes along with it, he was dirt poor having no steady source of income, and didn't even have a good working car!!! YEAH!!! We had arguments! Oh but he can't handle any of my "issues?" Listen bucko, originally you told me you would do anything to make me happy just to find out from you that "you're #1 and will never place anyone before" you??? That's the opposite of everything you had ever told me, not to mention our vows!!! Why would I sacrifice everything good I had going on in my life to be with a "man" who only thinks of himself?!!!!

So what? Now of course seeing another woman will seem like a piece of cake! We relocated and wouldnt have the girls but ever other weekend, the custody battles are over, he bought a brand new car, we got a place that actually has AC and heat, and got a new job with dependable income every week. And I'm deprived of that?! After I stood there with him through all the crap!!! After I sacrificed my life!!! Of course when he dates another woman it's going to seem so easy... they didn't have to deal with you being a loser!!! But I'm the one who was mistreated bc of all the stress... and I get shat on and abandoned. As if I'm the one who has done anything wrong.
It's easy to be with someone when the going is easy... but when the times get tough, who's really going to be there?


ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

I been thinking of you and wondering what has been going on......I'm not sure I understand you but from what I have read it seems as if he bought himself a new car and is ALREADY seeing someone. Correct me if I am wrong, please.

You still have a bright future ahead of you. Having a child on your own isn't the end of the world. Sure it may slow you down a bit and you may not be were you want to be in life BUT remember.....You are still YOUNG! You can go to school, get a good job, eventually you WILL join the FBI. And you will meet someone that will treat you like the way you deserve to be treated. Don't let this scumbag make you think or feel as if you are nothing without him.

I know it must be hard to be away from him and to imagine a life for your unborn baby without an intact family but think about your unborn baby. Do you want him/her to witness you being mistreated by their father? It doesn't seem as if this guy is willing to change his ways or get help for his issues. He is blaming everything on you and you should never be with someone like that. Do NOT be in a co-dependent/abusive relationship. That is not healthy. Don't do that to yourself. You are Strong. Show everyone that you are.

MrsFitMama, I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and I wish for the best for you and your unborn baby. You know what you have to do in order to provide the best for you and your baby.

MrsFitMama's picture

He hasn't started seeing someone else, that I know of. But he compares to how our relationship shouldn't be this hard. When he dated his ex, he didn't have all these issues...
And in the future, when he sees another woman, she won't have to go through everything I went through with him; unless he keeps his "I'm #1" attitude.

Ugh... and I skipped out on successful business men who laid their life down for me for this douchebag. He was good... so good with hiding his true self. I didn't even like my SH in a romantic way when we first talked. I chose him bc he was the "nice guy." What a joke.

And when I really need some close girlfriend with wine time, I have no freakin friends here in AZ!!! Not that I can drink wine but you know what I mean.

I've cried so much that my eyes feel like they are bruised... stupid. To cry over some idiot for this long.