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DH wants elaborate 3rd bday party for SD

motowaves's picture

My SD's 3rd birthday is coming up and DH and I are arguing about it because he wants to go overboard compared to past parties for her and our other daughter, my bio daughter who is 5. We are trying to pay off debt and have always given the kids nice parties, but nothing over the top. We decorate with a few balloons and other simple decorations and have a cake of their choice. DH has ordered a cake through a friend and told her no budget, which I have always given her a budget for other bdays. He wants a bouncy house, I said no. He wants to make a bunch of elaborate decorations and buy a lot of things. (Which translates to he wants me to make them and I pay for all parties and presents for all kids because he cannot afford to with his ridiculuos CS.) We have a yard and playroom full of toys that all the little kids can play with, so there's no need for extra party games, especially for a 3yo. I will prepare all the food and decorate like we always do. He claims he wants to go all out becuase he doesn't see her enough and wants her to have fun. She has fun everytime she is with us, we always do things with her and my daughter. I'm afraid this is just the beginning of him trying to buy her love with money we do not have. Another note, her BM's family is extremely wealthy. SD travels all the time, she's been to Disney twice, she goes to Broadway shows, etc. We will never be able to compare. But I believe children are happy with the fun they have with their family and friends, not the things that are given to them.


Cocoa's picture

oh, boy. you're gonna have to nip this in the bud. you cannot afford it. you're in debt. tell him if he wants this, he can use his own money, not your combined money or you will find yourself in debt entire marriage and any available resources going towards his first family. dh has to realize now he has not only responsibilities to his previous children (which child support should cover in full), but he now has responsibilities to his new family. make a spreadsheet and show him in black and white how he's expecting YOU to spoil his kid. big fat negative.

motowaves's picture

Thanks for all of the comments! We had her bday party this past weekend. DH came home Friday with way too many decorations and other things for the party. I told him we do not need all of it and it was way overboard, that we cannot afford it. After some convincing, he started to agree with me. The party was still a little too much for what I would like, but I was able to return almost $100 worth of unopened decorations he had bought. We had a discussion after the party that we still need to simplify all of our kids' parties going forward, as I do not want spoiled, entitled children who think they need all these fancy things to have a special day. They really don't care about it, they just want to have fun, with a few special decorations. We will see how that goes...he wasn't completely on board with my idea.