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I need help! SD9 has been eating random, dangerous stuff.

momandmore's picture

She tried to eat the batteries out of her wii remote. She has always eaten erasers, paper, has gone back to getting up at night and sneaking food from the fridge and cabinets. Yesterday she ate 2 sticks of deodorant. :sick:

The batteries, they had indentions and some of the outside aluminum was completely gone. We explained the dangers of that to her, she didn't have batteries in her room for a few days then OSS gave her a couple of his to use. She tried to eat those so no batteries for her now.

One of her counselors called me yesterday about things out of the ordinary and I told her about this. SHe kind of freaked out at first which freaked me out. Then she calmly said, that's a disorder, let me talk to my boss. She is going to try to talk to her today about it. SD9 is with the counselor right now but I won't know what disorder it is until later.

We already knew she was ADHD, untreated bc it isn't (wasn't) that bad.

I just don't get it. The girl is a straight A student when she applies herself but does the most random, off the wall just plain stupid stuff!

And I thought her always taking her clean clothes out of the drawers and putting them in the laundry and filling her drawers with dirty clothes was bad! Does anyone know what this could be? I am very anxious to know.


Monchichi's picture

I think your SD has a serious issue.

Pica (/ˈpaɪkə/ PY-kə) is characterized by an appetite for substances that are largely non-nutritive, such as paper, clay, metal, chalk, soil, glass, or sand.[1] According to DSM-IV criteria, for these actions to be considered pica, they must persist for more than one month at an age where eating such objects is considered developmentally inappropriate, not part of culturally sanctioned practice and sufficiently severe to warrant clinical attention. <-- This relates to food.

The other sounds like a soothing pattern. Or a way to cope. Moving clothing. You really need to get her to a decent therapist.

Read up on it, then talk to your spouse.

momandmore's picture

Thank You and I definitely will!

I don't know where this is coming from, she used to do this stuff when she was younger. The erasers never stopped but Now it's more dangerous stuff. It has gotten to the point I have to check on her when she is just using the bathroom bc sometimes I would smell bleach or toilet bowl cleaner and wonder if she was trying to consume those. (they are now locked where she can't get them).

I added the clothing in there because I didn't know if it was related. She had 3 therapists, she is down to 2 that work as a team with her, mostly with coping skills. Maybe it's time to get that 3rd one back.

Thanks again!

momandmore's picture

Thank you again for replying. I have looked at 4 different sites about Pica and a lot of the what they say are describing SD.

Monchichi's picture

It's an absolute pleasure and a disorder I came across by mistake when looking up my SS's stuff. I am glad it could help you today.

WokeUpABug's picture

Take her to the pediatrician. Pica is often related to nutritional deficiencies of iron or zinc.

momandmore's picture

Thanks. I'm waiting for them to call me back with an appointment for a lead test because she has eaten plaster and dirt as well. We live in an old farm house.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

Everytime I was pregnant the doctor would ask about that. It is called Pica. For some reason pregnant women develop it. She does indeed need medical intervention.

momandmore's picture

I had to stop looking. It took me to OCD and Autism and most of the signs describe her. I'm freaked. She has always been odd but gifted.
She sees the pediatrician tomorrow and her main therapist Thursday (=