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O/T - Anyone have a child/experience with ADHD?

Mom23's picture

My 6 year old son has ADHD, he's often a bit rambunctious, doesn't follow directions well, speaks out of turn, has a hard time being still, is extremely fidgety, is impulsive and therefore does random things he shouldn't be doing (i.e. throwing something across a room, ignoring directions all together). He is like this with me and from what I hear from teachers at school too. However, when he is around people he doesn't know or someone he is afraid of getting in trouble from like DH/stepdad or his grandfather, he can appear to be a lot calmer. He may not call out or run around as much. Why is it that he can then "control" himself and these impulses around these people? It makes you then wonder if he is often taking advantage of the situation or that he can control himself after all. Or is it that fear gets him to use all his might to control himself better for certain amounts of time? What are the thoughts on this?


Snowflake's picture

I have adhd, diagnosed at age 6 with add and hyperactivity, and my son was diagnosed at age 6.

As a child my mom went the all natural route. All sugar and processed food was cut out, and homeopathic remedies were given. It didn't do one darn thing to change the fact that I couldn't focus well on one thing for very long, and had little impulse control.

I can remember at age 6 being put in the "special chair" by my teacher. I remember trying hard to listen to what she was saying, only to have something or someone else, catch my attention. Then I would be out of my chair playing or chatting with someone while teacher was teaching. I remember trying to focus on just the teacher, but my mind was always going 100 miles a minute.

I can tell you that your kid will listen to his dad, because his dad is probably right on top of him, so he is constantly having to refocus on someone who is giving him orders.

For my son, a doctor had suggested focused activities that he had no outside distractions. Karate really worked for him. He would have to meditate in silence at the beginning and focus on the moves. I also found that sports which he had to constantly readjust focus on we're good for him.

For myself, I have had to be medicated for most of my life. When I take it, it slows my mind so that I am not doing 100 things at once. People who say that medication is not needed don't know what they are talking about. ADHD can cause you to suffer in school, because you literally can't focus on a teacher and also obviously in relationships. I would always want and mean to call friends/boyfriends back, but was ALWAYS distracted. Or I would want to listen to them when they needed a friend, but was very easily distracted. I just came off as uncaring and rude. It couldn't have been farther from the truth.

Please work with a doctor to figure out ways to set routines, and work with a doc to see about medications. Medication can be a lifesaver. It is like a cloud is lifted and you can actually hear and listen because your mind isn't racing. It also helps with behavior in children, because they can think through their actions before just doing them.

Willow2010's picture

Mom23...You just described my son to a T. I think you described most little boys though. lol

I am so grateful that ADHD was not the “in” thing back when he was growing up. I might have medicated him because he was so hyper and loony. Lol.
Your son will probably grow out of it. Most boys are just really hard before they hit 11-12. (In my experience) My son actually calmed down around 9ish. I realize that the need for meds are sometime necessary, but I do not think so in this case. I feel like you just described a normal little boy.

Give him lots to do outside or around the house. Games are ok but don’t let them be his babysitter. Watch the sugar intake and diet. Tire him out if you can. Again…little boys can just be hard to deal with…he will grow out of it. son is now 23ish. Graduated in the top 10 percent of his HS class. Then put himself through college and has a GREAT job he loves. Again…I am so glad I never put him on meds. Good luck.

Willow2010's picture

Guess you missed where I said some do need meds.

And I despise it when people drug up their kids because they don’t want to discipline them or put in the work to raise them.

So you don't think that ADHD is WAY over diagnosed....?

Last In Line's picture

Do you understand how these meds work?

Stimulants aren't going to calm a typical child who just needs discipline. They are going to create a bouncing off the walls monster. A child who truly has an attention deficit issue doesn't become hyperactive, instead they become more focused when on stimulants.

As far as overdiagnosing, I think a ton of people will say "oh he has ADHD" when they don't really have a diagnosis at all, it's just an excuse because they don't want to parent. I think there may be doctors out there who don't want to actually do their job and have children tested and instead just medicate based on behavior reported by a parent. But truly diagnosed ADHD isn't being overdone.

Snowflake's picture

ADHD is not a fad. I was diagnosed (at the time it was hyperactive/ add) over 35 years ago. My grandma gave me coffee as a child to calm the hyperactivity. (My parents didn't know). But coffee has been studied and found to be a very weak stimulant, and doesn't help with focus or impulsivity. So if you are looking to sedate without improving function, coffee is the way to go.

There is a reason that these days kids aren't medically to be given an official diagnoses until age 6. My sons doc explained it that boys usually lack attention and seem hyperactive till about age 5. At that time it will decrease. A child with ADHD will show noticable other symptoms, such as little attention span and impulsivity.

Being hyperactive is only one symptom of ADHD. As kids grow, most go from being the adhd/hyperactive type to the adhd/inattentive type.

Medication is not something that is taken lightly, and definitely something that those people I have known with ADHD struggle with.

z3girl's picture

My DS4 recently tested into our school district's special education preschool. He has behavioral issues, but I'm not sure what they are exactly. The Child Study Team has suggest ODD. He also has continuing potty training issues. I am SO tired of cleaning poop for the last year!! We have an appointment with a neurodevelopmental pediatrician next week. His new teacher claims he is very good in the special education class. He had some issues the first day, but once he knew what to expect, he didn't even complain about cleaning up. Routine is very important for my son. I think my son may have sensory issues because he is constantly asking "What's that smell??" when we don't smell anything. He doesn't pay attention without being one-on-one for t-ball, soccer, ice skating lessons, but I'm not sure if it's his age or he has some other reason behind it. My DS5 is completely different.

I agree with the others that write the kids *want* to behave but are unable. My son likes to run up to me after school/camp and shout "I was good Mommy!"

My DS18mos is minorly speech delayed and tantrums like my 4 year old. I love them all dearly, but I am so glad I have at least one easy child.

I have a friend who's grandson has ADHD and he was medicated. The child is now an obese young adult. The meds completely changed him; he doesn't resemble the little boy I used to see pictures of. I would leave medications as a last resort. My tough 4 year old is very smart and loving, so I certainly don't want to ruin any of his good qualities. He's difficult, but I love him as he is!