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Not sure how to react to this one. Need advice...

misskiya's picture

My ten year old brother is visiting for the summer. I thought this was going to be a really good experience for DD8 and SS5, having another child to play with. DD8 has been extremely happy to have her uncle around, but SS5 has very quickly fallen into bad habits and rude behavior (see previous blog post) that we haven't had to deal with in a long time.

This morning, after having addressed things with DH and getting his back up (and even him taking some initiative in the discipline/correction process. YAY!) The children were allowed to play outside on the trampoline together. They were playing some game or other with the pool inflatable pool toss rings, throwing them in the air and catching them. I was watching and listening through the bay window in our living room.

Long story short - Ten year old little brother caught the red one. SS5 decided he wanted the red one and tried to pull it out of my brother's hands. Little brother said "No SS5, you have to catch it to play with this one, you caught the green one!" SS5 then picked up a stick that had fallen off of a nearby tree (a very small twig to be honest) and told little brother "I want the red one. I will stab you and make you bleed!" Then Jumped after him with the stick. WTF?!

How do I properly address this? I'm so confused and upset right now. To make things better, it's a Gran weekend as well. So SS5 fully expects to get away with this behavior in order to go to Gran's tonight. I'm so lost right now. Help?


misskiya's picture

I did very sternly tell him that we do NOT EVER say things like that and we most definitely don't ACT on those words. However, he (as DH puts it) "has a tendency to put himself in the best possible light". So when I did confront him about it, he simply stood there making excuses for himself. "I wanted a turn" / "I like red best" / "Little brother wasn't sharing" / "They aren;t playing fair with me". Always making himself the victim.

thelaststraw's picture

SASS13 deflects ALL THE TIME. So I bust him on it EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Do the same with SS5. Tell him this is about what he said and what he did. Tell him he's allowed to be unhappy but not act out however he sees fit. And then make sure to punish appropriately.

My favorite - "Congratulations, you've just lost any play time on the Xbox that you would have had this weekend."

overworkedmom's picture

He is 5, he heard it somewhere, I am not sure what to tell you other than a quick disciplinary action and don't dwell on it. I have found the bigger deal that you make out of things the worse it gets. If this is something that you are hearing regularly though, the kid needs help. Seek counseling for him.

misskiya's picture

That's true, and maybe I'm making a mountain out of a molehill. That's just a really scary situation to have one kid chasing another around threatening to stab him. Since he's always home with me, or at his Gran's house (and they are super religious) I can't imagine where he would have heard it. TV? Maybe screen time needs reduced?

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

Not gonna let that one die are ya bookish?? ah, its all good, glad you get amusement out of it... but it might work!!!

BSgoinon's picture

I hear Boston Baked Beans work great. They come in a box or a bag though... so... I dunno.

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

If it worked this way now I would force myself to hold cartons of ice cream for like an hour!!!

Good thing I can laugh as myself, huh??

misskiya's picture

Oooh, I'm missing the significance of the green beans, but would LOVE to know I have lots of cans of green beans...

BSgoinon's picture

There was a very debated blog a few days ago about whether or not having a 4yo hold a can of green beans straight out in front of them with their elbows locked, was a "creative punishment" or "child abuse".

I HATE canned green beans. Maybe my mom did this to me when I was younger.

misskiya's picture

Huh. I remember holding the county phone book at arms length as a kid if I lied or mouthed off. I didn't see it as child abuse then and would probably use the green beans if I thought it would make a difference haha.

Willow2010's picture

1st…a 5 year old holding a can of whatever for 45 seconds to 60 seconds is not child abuse. Holy crap people. Lol.
Beating a kid is child abuse, busting a child in the face is child abuse, kicking a kid is child abuse. Not holding a can of green beans in an uncomfortable position.

2nd…yes, I think you may be over reacting a bit…he is a 5 year old boy, he will say much more stupid crap in the next few years than you will be able to count. Just tell him not to talk or behave that way and move on. Good luck. Boys are harder when they are that young. IMHO