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first time no visitation.

MemizeIHope's picture

Well out of the whole battle this is the first weekend that we didn't get our sd6. I'm not that suprized because i think the bm is trying to get us to go to court and have our visits taken away for good. We haven't been able to talk to the child is almost 2 weeks, last time we had her for visitation. bm calls us private and tells us that her lawyer said that we don't get everyother weekend like the co has been for the last two years. I just can't believe this and when we do go back to court she will likely win because she's the damn blood mom. I so don't know what to do about this situration anymore. I hope and pray that one day there will be a soluation to all these problems and that people can finally work together. (I can dream, Right?)


MemizeIHope's picture

Definely a bummer, but we've decided that we will continue our fight to be a part of this child's life until the courts say we can't. We are taking her to court for 2 things against the court order and i hope that we can get somewhere, this time but you never know.