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just a little venting

mamamomo's picture

So, I have been telling DH since last week that I wanted to have this weekend kid free to relax and try to clear my head and prepare for the baby because my c-section is going to be on the 30th. SS5 lives with us and I need a break BD5 will be at her Dad's and my mom volunteered to take BD8 and SS5. SS acts horrible when he is with my mom he is disrespectful and does not listen last time he went with her she told him not to run in the house and he laid on the floor and screamed and kicked like a little baby but my mom does her best to treat him like my kids so if she takes my BD's she takes SS. I reminded DH all week to find someone in SS's family that would take him for the weekend, they never spend time with him and he needs to know his family not just mine. DH waited until wednesday to start calling people and didnt find anyone so now SS has to go with my mom or I can say nevermind everyone will stay home. Also, this weekend is DH's brother's b-day. DH's brother has invited him out to a bar for " a few drinks" and DH and his brother are asking me to go...Did I mention I'm 9mos pregnant? going to a bar does not sound the least bit appealing to me. BIL's response was well they passed the law where u cant smoke in the bars anymore and Karen is going to be there she is 4mos preg. Now I just feel like screaming I don't give a damn what Karen does I will not be bringing my big ass to a bar for your f$#@ing birthday and you will be lucky if I dont make your brother stay home and take care of me!


mamamomo's picture

I wasn't trying to control him I just thought the better thing to do would be for DH to visit his brother during the day and tell brother hey I'm gonna hang out with you during the day time since we are about to have the baby and I probably shouldn't leave my wife home alone all night

overit2's picture

I disagree here...i'm betting you will be fine and he will have his phone accesible-if it's only a couple hrs at night to have some drinks I don't see why you would want to control that>?

Just because YOU dont want to go have some drinks doesn't mean dh shouldn't either you know? Doesn't mean he can't go out w/his brother for a few drinks. JUST ensure that HE makes sure his skid is taken care of so you can get some rest during the wknd. I don't think your approach is right, but that is JMO

forestfairy's picture

I agree 100% with overit. I understand not wanting to go to a bar when you're 9 months pregnant, but why should DH be banned from going out on his brother's birthday just because you don't want to? It seems a bit controlling. If someone told me I "couldn't" go out, I would do it just because they told me I couldn't, but that's just me and I don't like being told what to do.

You said you're not having a c-section until the end of the month, it's not like you're due today, so the likelihood of going into labor will be small. Have DH find someone for SS and you have a relaxing night home alone.

3littlemonkeys's picture


DH should be able to celebrate his brother's birthday. Being pregnant isn't the end of the world. If you go into labor early, call him on his cell.
Easy Peasy.

bearcub25's picture

TBH, at least you are being invited to go with them.

I like the idea of get him out of your hair, light candles, get some bath crystals and relax.

skylarksms's picture

So, if your DH gets his way and drags his heavily pregnant wife to the bar to party with his brother......

who drives YOU to the hospital if you go into labor.

mamamomo's picture

I titled my post that I was venting because thats exactly what I was doing venting because I was irritated this morning. Thanks to those who were positive and let me get it out. Thanks also to those who are feeling judgemental today, I haven't once told DH he wasn't allowed to go I just told him I wasn't going. I didn't even tell him that I wish he would spend time with me. I'm not controlling, I'm jealous that on my birthday that just passed DH decided he needed to go buy himself a four-wheeler then come home and spend the rest of the day playing with it until he came in took a shower and went straight to bed. He didn't even tell me Happy Birthday. and as for going into labor I have been having complications my entire pregnancy no I am not disabled but worried I had my BD8 25 weeks.