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OSS is Here, and ET Makes a Funny

lieutenant_dad's picture

He came home from college today and is staying with us for break! He actually told Eternal Teenager! She didn't throw a fit (at least to any of us)!

Miracle of f**king miracles!

Now, ready to hear the funniest thing I've heard in a LONG time?

OSS has the opportunity to do something through the university during his junior year so long as he doesn't change majors (highly doubtful he will). There is a cost associated, so OSS wanted to talk to DH and I and ET about it.

Well, first, ET was offended that OSS didn't want to talk to her DH, too. Uh, ETDH has been around for a year. He doesn't talk to the boys. OSS doesn't really see him as anything other than ET's husband. I, however, have actually acted like a parent and have been around a while. 

This led to OSS rolling his eyes and placating ET. Well, then ET wanted OSS to "schedule a meeting" amongst him and "all four parents". Why, might you ask?

Because she wants to discuss how we'll split up the cost.





Oh, ET! Your electricity was shut off a month ago (with two working adults and $1000/mo in CS). Your contribution to OSS's college was an empty wallet, a case of water, and a bag of chips. DH and FIL have paid for every damn trip OSS has ever taken, and there have been several that OSS has earned. I have ZERO faith that she'll be able to offer up anything. Even OSS thought it was crazy!

Plus, OSS will be 20 years old by the time of this event. He needs some skin in the game. DH told him as such, and OSS agreed. The time for ET to offer to pay for sh*t was when OSS was, I dunno, a minor? And DH was paying for everything? And she had an obligation to pay?

I've hit a point where there is just nothing she can do right in my eyes. It all feels too little, too late. I can tell OSS is fed up with it. He loves his mom, but he's starting to eclipse her maturity, and that can't feel great.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

The way ET is, that was a single-serve bag of chips and she'll that up again offer ...

Gads, she's a piece of work. BioHo could extend an entire grove of olive trees and it would be too little, too late. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

I was so upset for OSS. She did NOTHING to make his last summer home special or helpful for college. I'm not saying she needed to be at his neck and call, but it was literally a week or two before he went off to college before she started asking what he needed for his dorm room. I'm fairly certain we had already set up his dorm room by the time she asked. She didn't talk anything financial with him (I don't think she has any idea how his first year was paid for) and almost screwed him over by turning in FAFSA at the latest possible deadline. Hell, for his graduation, it was a one-car-per-family drive-thru event. DH rented a car so we could all be there. She didn't even toss $5 DH's way for it, but she sure as sh*t took the boys hiking right after, ruined their shoes, and then told DH they needed new shoes the next week they were over!

She claims she'll be in better financials straits in 2 years, but I'm going to have to cast my vote as doubtful on that one.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Even if she will be in better financials, I don't see her paying one damn dime. ET wants to insert herself into the action in an attempt to look good. Pffffft. Everyone and their dogs know she's full of shiitake. 

Wouldn't surprise me if she purposely took them hiking (no $) with the hope they would ruin their new shoes that would need to be replaced (by your DH). Farking twatwaffle.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I wonder if ET is so shameless that she would schedule a meeting with everyone and still not contribute? Or is she wanting to have the meeting "publicly" because she has recently come into some money and wants to show off? Either way it sounds like a giant pain in the a$$ for all involved. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

100% she is that shameless because she has done it before. If she has recently come into money, I'd rather she stabilize her own life versus pay for something for OSS because I'm very tired of watching DH pay $1,000/mo in CS and her STILL not being able to pay for basics like her light bill.

MissK03's picture

ET and BM sound similar. You know what SD came home with the other day when BM took her out for the first time in almost a year and half....

A box of f'n Mac & cheese..... you read that correct. Oh and some dog treats for her to use as a way to hang out on my back deck. My guess is SD probably paid for them too. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

A BOX of mac and cheese? Not even leftover mac and cheese, like she took SD somewhere to eat?!

ET used to borrow money from the boys' piggy banks when she was short on cash. She claims she paid them back. I've always wondered how true that was...

MissK03's picture

Not left overs... a box of Kraft Mac and cheese. She was with her for 3 hours. Not sure what else the did besides go to Walmart. Might have just went to her house.. who knows. 

I was thinking oh maybe she will take her shopping somewhere..... LOLLL nope. I doubt she bought the $1 box or the $5 bag of treats. Last time she took SD (last summer) SD paid for her own nails soo.... 

Highly doubtful she paid them back. 

advice.only2's picture

Yeah she want's the public forum so she can talk big words and have her new DH there to talk big words and then nothing will ever come of it. Meth Mouth was like this, she talked big words about how she was a single mother supporting her kids, reality was she had zero custody and never had to pay a dime of CS.

lieutenant_dad's picture

I lost all respect for ETDH when ET had to crawl to DH and ask him to help her bills. Especially when ET said that her DH didn't want her to work and he was going to take care of them.

Yeah. That didn't even last 3 months from the time they got married. DH and I now just operate under the assumption that she'll pay for nothing, and if she does end up being able to contribute, she can give that money directly to DH to pay him back.