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New allergist

libbie's picture

Hi everyone, sorry it's been a while but life has been hectic. Sd is seeing a new allergist and she faints after each shot. He just has a nurse stay in there with her and she is awake in about a minute. There is a name for this but I can't remember. He said it's a reaction to the needle and not what is in the shot. He thinks her allergies are dog related and she also has a list of out door allergies she has. He has her on allergy shots and Zyrtec. She had a melt down in the drs office about taking any of the allergy meds by mouth because she hates the feeling. She was literally begging him to give her something else so she can do band and not feel drugged. So far she seems to be doing okay on the shot/zyrtec regime.

Ds seems to have had a growth maturity wise. He is doing archery and made 2 friends there. He has gone out with them (YES!!!!!!!!)and they text and make memes. Sd has invited him out with her friends and he goes (YES!!!!!!!!) and sd says he is quiet but interactive. One of her friends has a crush on him and they are texting (YES!!!!!). He is doing normal teen stuff and I am so excited for him.

Marching band try outs are today and both sd and ds are trying out. I can't believe she talked him into it.

Dhs parents came over and talked about Bear going back to stay with them for a while after I brought him home and sent dh and sd to them. Fil met with a dog trainer twice to help him not be afraid of Bear and help him be more comfortable. Bear has been home a week and knock on wood, things are going good. Bear stays in ds room and in the den or bs takes him outside. Dh has been taking ds and Bear to the park in the evenings to get him exercise. So that is our update. Right now things are good and so far sd has blended well. She has tested dh a few times and he shut her down. Fingers crossed he isn't going to be a disney dad.


Acratopotes's picture

I'm so happy for you Libbie, I hope it will stay on this road.

good news about DS getting a bit more out, but same time I'm afraid he will enjoy it so much and then turn into a rebel teen boy like mine lol....

libbie's picture

Holy crap! I do measure sd by what she does for my son. I can't believe I didn't realize I have been doing that but I have. I'm going to work on changing that now.

AshMar654's picture

This is amazing news. Gives me hope too because I am officially about to move into our new house and bringing my two little critters with me(cats). Future SS8 interacted with them this weekend at my apartment played with them petted them for a long time and had slightly runny nose at first, than he was rolling around on the floor with them and I notice a slight bump on his face yes a hive (went away after being out of the house within an hour) and after we left 45 minutes later his eye was blood shot red. Forgot to have him wash his hands.

I know all that sounds kinda bad but last time he was around them his whole face broke out in less time than this time. So this time was better. Yes he went to the allergist too and the kid is allergic to everything apparently including dogs but he has never had issues around them. He got prescriptions eye drops only as needed, rhinocort over the counter nose spray and suppose to take claritin. He did not take any of this before he came over and when he got home and did the drops everything cleared up.

If your SD does not like the pills maybe ask the allergist about a Nasal Spray. I hate pills too because I do not react will to the antihistamine in them but the spray are more steroid base and I like it so much better and I use it daily because I do have some basic allergies.