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I Showed My Husband

KeeKee's picture

Last nite I showed my husband this site. I wanted him to know that we weren't the only ones out there with these kinds of problems.
I let him see the postings that I reacted particularly strongly to, and my responses to them.
Of course, I tend to gravitate to those postings that talk about bioparents not stepping up and actually parenting their children. That has been my own personal nightmare and, it is made even more urgent by the fact that I have 2 children of my own.


StressedSM's picture

Moving forward in any manner to resolving some of the issues is progress! What was his reaction? I have avoided reviewing the site from hom because I think my husband would take offense at my comments re: his daughter. He thinks family stuff should stay w/i our family. Plus, I have also expressed my true frustration with some of the stuff that goes on at home - such as not disciplining his daughter and the whole "kiss, hug, kill me" goodbye routine. He doesn't know how much I hate that! He wouldn't like that. I did give him that Stepmotherhood book I talked about earlier this week and assigned him to read it before November 22nd. The next time the SD comes to visit!

KeeKee's picture

I knew he would be alright with this because everything I have said in this forum we have already discussed numerous times.
I guess what I was trying to show him was that we are not alone. I am still a little bitter at everything that has occurred over the years but i really feel that in order for us to move ahead he needs to get over the crushing guilt that he feels at this time. He wasn't the only one who influenced the chain of events that led us to this point, and all I want is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with back and a healthy, functioning part of our relationship..... nothing ever stays the same and nor should it because none of us are the same people throughout our lives
I think about your situation alot Stressed......

happy's picture

I agree with StressedSM it is great that you could show him and hopefully he will see that this is a good thing.

StressedSM - I am with you there is noway I could show my husband this either. Because he would not see the big picture just the picture of me complaining or struggling for the answers on his daughter. And you know what, I do not feel bad about anything I have said. I have basically told him the stuff I write.. But I feel this is my escape.. He goes fishing to escape ( I fish too) but I need my own thing.

StressedSM's picture

But there is a difference between talking something out with your husband, who does't really understand being a SM, and being able to truly vent and have some support from other SM's who understand the type of frustration I am talking about. Its good to have others laugh with you and scream with you. I am starting to really appreciate being able to come here for that! Had I not already told the story of him and his daughter's goodbye routine, I probably would have pointed my husband here also!

happy mom's picture

Good for you, that took a lot of guts. I could never show my husband this site, I just feel like it is my personal place to vent and ask questions and I want to keep it that way.

-happy mom

Nymh's picture

There's no way I could show my bf this site. He knows how much of a stalking whacko his ex is, and he'd probably ask me to stop posting here and delete all my posts. I'm afraid that eventually she'll stumble onto this site, but I hope not. This is the only place I've been able to post about the situation and her not find it and make my life #*$* about it.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

happy's picture

I did not use my name so if you didn't let her find it.. It might help her change her ways and be a nice person.. Wouldn't you like crap if that happened.. Or she would post crap and we'd all bite on her.

Nymh's picture

Oh she most definitely would post crap. She's the kind of person who would walk into a room full of my family and start talking #($* about me. It doesn't matter who her audience is. She's always right regardless of how many people are telling her she's wrong.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*