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Here Goes Nothing

KeeKee's picture

I'm so happy to have stumbled on this site. I've been living the blended family life style for the past 9 years and during that time I have suffered thru the complete deterioration of my relationship with my SD (who's now 15), clinical depression and a complete sense of loss over the woman I used to be.
I love my husband dearly, but our relationship has taken a horrible pounding. The only thing that I am positive about is the fact that my biokids are doing well (and believe me, raising them in the midst of chaos has been quite challenging)

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished


StressedSM's picture

I very much feel your pain. I have been having many similar thoughts and feelings. I know I am not the person I was when I married my husband. But how can I be?

bubbles's picture

I haven't been married as long as you (3 yrs), but we've had MANY beatings already. Its hubby has recently started to see the whole complete picture and our communication has improved 100%. I have two biokids and my kids have to put up with emotions from my stepsons. Its hard on them...more on my oldest daughter. We've come across issues with sharing, jealousy and in the beginning my hubby was more on his kids side...but that has changed now. Of course we're still learning and trying...but situations are hard either way...someone is always hurt.

I came across this site yesterday and I am so glad that I found it...thank you everyone. Its nice to be able to vent and know that others have gone through the same.