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just.his.wife's picture

DH noticed this awhile back and commented on it, it became even more apparent last evening.

A little history is required to understand the full level of creepiness. In Highschool when DH and BM were dating he was a wrangler jeans, boot wearing, copenhagen in the pocket, plaid shirt wearing,truck driving, C&W music listening, card carrying member of redneck society.

A few years later he started OJT in a new career. And started getting into classic rock vs C&W music. He and BM were having issues in their marriage and one passive agressive way he "stood up" to her is by shaving his head. DH is a carrot top, full head of strawberry blonde hair (bleaches blonde when exposed to sun) and he would shave his head totally bald, primarily because BM hated his head shaved.

After 6 years or so, DH crosstrained into a higher paying position in his new career field. It was around then that he started collecting tattoos. Little ones that were tributes to his kids, deceased family members, nothing outrageous. He was still shaving his head. Within a few years, he and BM were divorced, he and I met and his head shaving days ended (he loves it when I play with his hair). He got into motor cycles. Big time.

These days his typical wardrobe is jeans, motor cycle boots, tshirt and a leather vest/ jacket for riding. On occasion a bandana around his head. (keeps the sweat out of his eyes while riding). He rides his bike a lot, so his hair is bleached blonde.

A year ago BM started dating someone, who was not only bald (shaved head) but was also in the career field that DH had been in before he cross trained. Same height as DH, same body build. They got engaged, count down was on for the wedding then BM supposedly caught him cheating on her (4 versions of this story, none the same, to include the story from the girl he was 'with'- no telling what really happened).

Around christmas, she started dating a new guy, who was a dead ringer for DH in highschool (obviously older but...) strawberry blonde hair, boots, wranglers, copenhagen ring, plaid shirt, drove a truck you get the idea. After that poor fool pretty much emptied his savings account 'helping' her provide a christmas for her kids (angelina and brads kids did not get as much crap as these kids did from 'her') they broke up the end of January when he put his credit cards away and was no longer 'helping'.

Last night we met the new bf. Blonde hair, blue jeans, biker boots, tattoos everywhere (huge one that wraps all the way around his neck), tshirt, leather biker vest, bandana around his head.

Is it just me or do you folks see the creep factor? Like she is intentionally dating guys that look/act just like DH did at some point in his life?


HadEnoughx5's picture

I have the same issue with my ex DH. He dates women who look a lot like me. This last woman he is with, even has the same exact anniversary date with her ex that I have with my ex. What is really funny is that when my kids have been around her, they have heard him call her by my name. I understand the creepiness :O

whatwasithinkin's picture

i think she is intentionally drawn to men that look like DH, its her taste,her type. some people dont stray from their tastes. I dont think its creepy...