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Stress galore

Jlbfinch's picture

This whole week was supposed to be kid free for me, kids are on spring break and were supposed to spend the whole week with my mom who lives around 2.5 hours away. My SS15 got invited to spend the first half of spring break out of town with his friend and the friends family. Everything was good. Well the kids barely left with my mom on Friday and the very next day she mentioned on the phone that DD8 seemed under the weather. The next day Sunday I had to go get her bc my mom thought she had the flu and couldn't risk exposing my elderly grandfather (my mom is the caretaker for her dad) to it. SS8 decided he wanted to come home too, okay, fine. Luckily my DD6 was fine and stayed with my mom.

My DD8's fever went away pretty quick but she's had a hacking cough all week that I've been treating. On top of this around three nights ago my feet and hands started itchy horribly at night and keep me awake. I'm almost 29 weeks pregnant with twins so I'm used to being itchy but this has been horrible. It's really not that bad during the day but as soon as I lay down at night I feel like my feet are covered in mosquito bites. So I've hardly gotten any sleep. On top of this when my DH left for work this morning SS8 was sleeping on the couch with vomit all over the blanket beside him. I swear the kid will not attempt to throw up in the sink or toilet or even wake a parent up for help, he just pukes wherever he happens to be and waits for someone to notice. I heard my DH starting the washer and all that this morning but I was half asleep so I paid no attention. SS8 said he felt fine and just ate too much for dinner last night. Okay good. I called my OB's office and left a message for the nurse trying to figure out if the iron supplements I take for anemia might be causing all the itching. The nurse called me back concerned and told me that the dr might want to have me come in for a blood test to check my liver and I should expect a call. So I made sure to have my phone close by all day so I wouldn't end up playing phone tag with the office.

It became apparent by noon that SS8 was actually sick bc he slept all morning on the couch and ate and drank nothing. My SS15 came in from his vacation with his friend and immediately goes into his room and starts banging on the drums. I told him no drums bc his brother is sick and sleeping on the couch and he just stared at me with his dead teenage eyes.

Well finally almost 3pm the dr calls me back and said I need to come in for a blood test. I go to SS15's room to tell him to watch his brother and he is MIA, call him and get no answer. I called my MIL and she wasn't home. So I had to take my DD8 and SS8 to the dr with me. SS8 starts loud ugly crying saying he doesn't feel good and doesn't want to go. I made him a puke bucket and told him sorry dude you have no choice, it won't take long at all. As soon as we get into the parking lot of the dr's office SS8 puked (thank goodness for the bucket!). So I drag in my DD8 with her hacking cough and SS8 wrapped in a blanket and holding the bucket. Checking in with the receptionist she tells me that I also need to stay to be monitored (the dr said nothing about it on the phone) I said there's no way that can happen right now bc I have a sick child with me. She sends me back to the nurse and the nurse is all annoyed that I can't stay then the blood drawing lady starts in on me saying I'm dehydrated. I made arrangements to come back first thing tomorrow morning to be monitored and we got the heck out of there.

I called my DH on the phone and vented to him and he was very concerned and apologetic and said he will take off work tomorrow so I don't have to deal with kids at the apt or his sick kid in general. I am very glad he can take off bc he's in the middle of working a shut down.

So last frustration, we get home and I get SS8 settled back on the couch. In comes SS15 with no less than four of his emo friends hovering on the porch behind him and he says, "hey JLBFinch you don't mind if I have friends in the house right?" I just looked at him like how stupid are you and said "yes I mind bc this house is full of sick and miserable people right now!"

Oh and Saturday is my baby shower and with this plague going around I am not even looking forward to it anymore. Thank y'all for letting me vent.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Sweetie, I've got nothing. Sorry you're dealing with all of this and hope the doc figures out why you're itchy. {{{hugs}}}

Jlbfinch's picture

I am picking up some Benadryl gel today. My feet were only mildly itchy last night but I woke up with a head cold so I feel like I traded one misery for another.

Step2Spoiledrotten's picture

Oh geez! I hope everything calms down quickly for you and you can enjoy your baby shower!