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It's 'that' weekend again..

JanRebecca's picture

Time to 'SS8 proof' the house before he comes over. All breakables need to go away, all BS's  toys that he does not want broken go in his room and computers etc go on lock down. It's kind of sad that my four year old knows to put away any toys that he really does not want broken before his brother comes over. 

SS8 breaks everything in sight and no matter how much DH tells him to be careful and stop banging things together he still does it. Because all his play borders on violence. Bad men chasing bad men - monsters eating ppl - police getting shot - the list could go on. I blame it on his BM allowing him to watch shows he shouldn't be watching.  Totally different subject but he also sings inappropriate songs at the top of his lungs, over and over and over the same phrase until I want to strangle myself.

Also when he is told to be careful, his reply is that 'it's ok to break things, you can just get a new one, that's what my mom does'.  Ummmm no we can't do that - money is tight and no way can we just replace tvs or toys every weekend he is over. 

Last time he was here DH found some Mashems stuffed down his pants when leaving for his Moms place because 'he wants some' -- DO NOT STEAL MY SONS THINGS!!!! I was livid but of course couldn't say or do anything. 

So yea - it's 'that' weekend again...Lord give me strength!



Maxwell09's picture

Why couldn't you say or do anything about him stealing your bio's things? Also I have a suggestion-have you suggested him watching youtube videos of kids playing with their toys? Maybe to show him how to play? Youtube has becomes this up and coming generations obsession. It is a double edged sword. In a guided way at our house SS watches other kids play and create PG storylines with everyday toys. It helps with his imagination in a positive way but you have to monitor because youtube can go left really quickly without parent supervision. My SS7 is allowed free range of games and youtube at BMs and comes back with fighting, killing and death on the brain. We keep him off of xbox as much as we can and limit those kinds of games to counteract the over exposure. To them death isn't real, it's all just a game. DH has threatened to show SS a dead body (to me not to him) once when he outright laughed when he about a death. These kids are desensitized. As for the broken toys, I would say any time he breaks one of your son's toys or takes it then he loses one of his own. When he breaks on of his own just to get a new one, don't get him anymore and supervise him when he is playing with your bios toys so you can intervene everytime he starts getting rough. 

Siemprematahari's picture

You do have the right to say something to your H about SS stealing/taking toys that DO NOT belong to him. If these situations are not addressed right than and there he will think its ok and continue to do so. Just like he thinks its ok to break things because you can always buy a new, that's not how it works here in our home. Your H has to be firm and consistent. The more things are left to slide the worse off you will all be.

JanRebecca's picture

He does play a lot of playstation and xbox games at home - we don't have any of those gaming station thingees so he can't play them at our house. Maybe that is where all the violence comes from - didn't think of that.

I can't say anything to him about it because when I do - he goes home and tells his mom that i yelled at him even though I talk in a very level voice - not raised or anything like that. So I have started letting DH handle or not handle things as he wishes.