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Am I Wrong?

JanRebecca's picture

So the newest thing BM  has decided they should all do as a family is to get photo's together - Her - my Dh and SS8 on every holiday and SS birthdays. WTH? I'm sorry - really? they are not a family anymore -I see NO reason for this to happen. Am I wrong to feel this way? Her reasoning is that 'ss needs to see them as a family' BUT THEY ARE NOT A FAMILY ANYMORE. She has her family with SS, her new man and their son, and DH has his family with SS and SS needs to accept this and aparently BM needs to too. 


hereiam's picture

Another delusional woman.

My DH and his ex wife did not look happy in pictures on their own wedding day, I can't imagine what they would look like in pictures together after the divorce! Not to mention, good luck getting my husband in the same room as BM, much less for a photo session.

What does your husband think of this? It better be a big, "Hell no!"

JanRebecca's picture

He says it will never happen and BM is all upset about it. She always threatens stuff when he says 'no' to one of her demands. Like taking him to court about it. What judge is going to 'demand' that DH gets pictures with his ex? Like Come on!

Siemprematahari's picture

This woman is delusional! Really?!? Take him to court because he doesn't want to take "family" photos?!? She needs to get over herself and get a freaking LIFE! Just when I thought I heard/read it all smh....

Cooooookies's picture

It's just another ridiculous way for a high conflict, GUBM to try to remain relevant in your DH's life and using their spawn as the excuse.  You have to remember, these men are never EVER supposed to move on and find another woman!  Never live a happy, love filled, family life.  They are supposed to pine away for BM for forever and ever!  SHE IS THE MOTHER!!!

Just laugh at her stupid antics.  Your DH isn't going to do it, which burns her GU biscuits.  Take joy in that fact.  Smile

JanRebecca's picture

What I don't understand is that she's been with her 'new' man for four years or more - they have a son together. Hasn't she moved on? Does she just like to make my DH squirm? I guess I just don't get it. My ex - I want nothing to do with - he moved on - I moved on  - we have no kids so no need for contact. 

Simpleton21's picture

Women like this are CRAZY!?!? Don't try to understand them it won't happen!  My SO's ex wanted to have a "core family birthday dinner" for SD the first year we were together and she was living with her bf at the time that she had been living with even prior to me meeting SO.  She freaked when SO told her HELL NO I'm not playing family and confusing SD like that we aren't a family anymore.  BM went off about how he was only saying no because I was insecure, lol!  She used to threaten court over the dumbest things and I told SO, okay, let her try, she will have to waste money on an attorney to go in and tell the judge whatever ludicrious thing it was at that moment.  It is a bunch of empty threats and scare tactics with these types!

Cooooookies's picture

BM2 has been with her bf for the best part of the last 12 years.  Despite that, she spent the majority of 2017 trying to get DH back.  She was so infuriated at DH for not scooping her back into his arms that, at one point, she literally screamed "Why can't Cookies just F*@K OFF BACK TO AMERICA!!??!!"

If what they did was rational, they wouldn't be crazy.  However, they most certainly are.   Therefore, what they do will never make sense.  The "joys" of a mentally unstable BM...

Survivingstephell's picture

Have a nice portrait take of you, SS and DH and send it to BM's house in a frame for SS to keep in his room. Find a frame that says FAMILY on it.  

robin333's picture

Uh, no. You are not wrong. If BM takes DH to court over this, I volunteer to fly to you and report the drama to all the StepTalk folks on a play by play basis.

Cooooookies's picture

Can you just imagine?

Judge:  So we're all here because your exH won't have a family photo taken with yourself and kids.  Is that right?

BM:  Yes your honor

Judge:  You are divorced.

BM:  But we have children together so we are family foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Judge:  You have children together, that is the only link.  Portraits are not what divorced people do.  

DH:  Your Honor, BM has a bf that she's lived with for the past 4 years.

Judge: ......

BM:  But we have chillllllllllllldrennnnnnnnnnn togetherrrrrrrrrrrrr and I am THEIR MOTHERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Judge: ......

robin333's picture

BM: We are forever linked. I am the mother of his child. Our son is the most important child of all.

CLove's picture

I agree with all of the above - your GU Toxic BM is being extremely unrealistic (to be nice) and off her rocker (to not), that is an unreasonable request. SO NEVER EVER EVER would do this, like as in EVER. Im glad that your Sweety shut GUTBM down straight away. That is ridiculous!

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Yeah, BM is completely delusional. They stopped being a family when they got divorced. SS can have separate photoes taken with his two families. WTH? I'd love to see the look on a judge's face after that request!

marblefawn's picture

Oh, wow, that's weird. Nah, you're not wrong. But you might want to think twice about hooking up with a man with this ex!