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SD went home early!

Itwillgetbetter's picture

Ok I have a son and BF has a daughter both age 9. Well my son went to visit his father in New york for the holidays so he was not around this weekend that we had SD. Well SD im guessing was extremly bored. Either that or shes extremely spoiled and shes used to being taken out every weekend or always having someone to play with. She got gifts from us for Xmas that she could of played with but im guessing that was not good enough for her. Well she called BM and asked her if she could come get her and BM im sure with a huge smile on her face said sure. Bf was mad at the fact that his daughter wanted to go home. Do any of you have any other views on this?


doglover1's picture

Yes she sounds spoiled. Like my SD8 . They are spoiled rotten by the parents, mostly out of guilt. Makes me sick!

Itwillgetbetter's picture

Does anyone think that BF just should of told her no? That she couldnt go home and had to wait until sunday? or did he do the right thing by giving her, Her way like always? SD also asked her father if he worked on sunday. he said yes and she said who am i going to stay with. She knew it would have been me of course but decided she wanted to go home. So sorry I cant be more fun for her. But i refuse to do something that I dont even do for my own child.

NCMilGal's picture

That when our BM tried to pull her crap - asking to pick SD up a day early - DH made it clear to SD that if she was staying or going was up to the adults. Her wishes were not going to be a deciding factor, although they would be mentioned.
