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Tell me what you ladies think BM is up to???

Itwillgetbetter's picture

Yesterday BM calls BF to tell him that she found some pictures of him and his daughter and that his daughter was going to keep some but did he want the rest. And hes sitting there telling her yeah sure that fine no problem... Now this is my issue.... Why is she calling almost 2 years after me and him have already been together to tell him about pictures? When him and her broke up they both moved out of the house that they had shared for about 10 years. she just recently moved back in and I think memories are coming back... I feel that instead of telling her yeah sure fine. He should have told her make sure the pictures are of me and my daughter. I feel like shes up to something. Please some advice.....


sam's picture

be hurtful have you talked to dh about this?If the pictures were for skids that they keep in their own album that should be the only reason if not i would tell her to get a grip and move on!!!!!!

sparky's picture

It was a nice gesture for her to ask if he wanted the pics. If she sends other throw it in the trash, no big deal.

stepmom2one's picture

it was nice of her to ask. When she moved again she probably went through some old baxes and found the pics. If you and H go through the pics just throw out any that have the BM in them or give them to SD (to take back to BMs).

Alot of the time DHs get the crappy end of the stick when it comes to that stuff, and often times don't have ANY pics of their kids when they were very young.

Gmama's picture

after my husband moved in with me,his gift from his son was a framed picture of ss and BM. it was the kind of picture a husband would put on his desk at work,I was very upset, I don't think it was the SS idea (he was 6 at the time)and if it was I would of said "lets just give daddy a picture of YOU"
DH didn't do or say a word,he thanked him and then we just put it in SS bedroom.

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I've been with Dh since 1998. Just in the last couple of years, Bm got a wild hair to have ss make this poorly put together "album"(a folder really) to give to Dh. After all of the years they were apart. Ok, whatever.
Just as recently as last month, ss brought some picture that Bm told him to give to Dh that was a picture of Dh's sister's daughter taken when Dh and Bm were together. My point, it wasn't that great of a pictured. Why bother to send it to us?
I just threw it away and didn't make too big of a deal about it.


imagr8tma's picture

I would just throw them away. Don't let it bother you. She is just trying to get a rise out of you or him - to see if she is bothering you guys.

Trash em.

namaste123's picture

The my FSSS will come over with little albums where its the kids, BM, BF, and other pics that I don't want to be reminded of. It's great, let me tell ya! *blah*