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Things that make you go “hmmm”

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A relative got OSS and DS a bunch of school supplies two months ago for graduation. Same gift bag, same set of stuff. I looked through it when they were handed to me because relative was excited and wanted me to see.  

Today DH is in OSSs room and going through the bag to pack up some college crap. He asks me why my relative would get them a lighter. I said the relative did not get them lighters. He knows this person and he knows that’s true, it’s why he was confused as to that particular person giving the boys lighters as a gift. 

Gee, if it’s not from the relative I wonder where it came from. (Duh)

I’m curious if he brings it up to hear how he manages to spin it into something innocent. I’d also place a large bet that he won’t ask about it but will figure out the “reason” by himself.