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i dont know what to do....

htchc4190's picture

its driving me crazy...

its really fucked up that the shit i feel about his other kid, my SD, i have to keep to myself.

my husband, always gets upset with me whenever he sees that i get upset about him mentioning his daughter to me.

i literally cant take hearing of his other half at all.. and it drives me frikkin crazy... like he expects me to jump for joy or something. and he just doesn't seem to understand how i really feel nor could i ever tell him exactly how i feel.. it would only end up... me and him fighting.

its resent and hate together!!!!!

i know he knows bits and pieces about how i feel about his daughter, if not, completely. DAMMIT!!! i hope he realizes that i don't want myself or my kids part of his daughter life!!!!!

and if he knows i get upset about the mention of his daughter or his wretched BM... then for GOSH sake.... dont mention her to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


htchc4190's picture

omg we must be related. i definitely get like that too!!! esp when i think about SD and his BM i get super stressed, mad, depressed.... the works!

and yes, the less thoughts in my head, the better I really am. but with situations like this, i dont know what to think sometimes.