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It’s a kid week

Hastings's picture

We're mid-way through a kid week and, as usual, I find myself getting annoyed with SS10 and DH.

1) DH talked to SS about the swishing beverages around in his mouth thing and SS agreed to stop. He still does it. It's a habit and I get that he'll have slip-ups, but while it was better for a couple of days, it's getting worse again and DH ignores it. He's also added smacking when eating.

2) DH and I have talked about SS not being allowed to take food and drink to his room. He rarely if ever remembers to bring the dishes back. Then I'm the "dish police" because I notice there are plates or cups missing. So, months ago, DH told him he can't do it anymore. Today, SS took his breakfast upstairs while DH and I were busy with work. I know better than to say anything but it annoys the heck out of me.

3) It seems like SS likes to play the victim and expects us to fawn over him. One of our bread plates has a tiny chip in it. Sometimes SS ends up with it. Then he has to point it out. Repeatedly. Sometimes, when we have fish, it flakes and falls apart a bit when I plate it. Again, SS has to point it out over and over. Just eat the darn fish! There's nothing wrong with it!

We have a very old, cranky Chihuahua mix (he was cranky when young, too, from what I've been told -- he's DH's). If SS is eating something on the couch, the dog hovers and gets pretty bold. DH holds him at bay. If the dog is behaving, SS will try to pet him or wave at him or otherwise provoke him, then when the dog attacks, SS is put upon.

DH and I don't play into it. Yeah, the dish has a chip. Yes, the fish fell apart a little. You're teasing the dog, what do you expect? His maternal grandparents immediately hover and "oh, poor baby" him at any inconvenience or slight so it's reinforced elsewhere. It just gets old. And I know my DH is the root of this. SS is a kid. It's up to DH to correct or enforce. Like with the baby talk - which still crops up now and then.

Thanks. I just needed to vent!


JRI's picture

I'd be tempted to use paper plates, bowls, flatware on the kid weeks.

Hastings's picture

Not a bad idea, LOL!

Only Problem is SS seems to be allergic to throwing trash away. That's another issue in itself. We make him come back downstairs, or walk back into the kitchen to throw stuff away, yet he never figures out that he'd save time and energy by throwing it away the first time. But that's expecting a spoiled 10-year-old to use logic.

Ispofacto's picture

This is why, long before I kicked SD out of my house, I refused to dine with her.

Let him keep the dishes in his room.  Keep a clean plate of your own hidden somewhere, and only use that.  Eat by yourself.


24 years as a SM's picture

To me that is one of the most disgusting sounds at the dinner table. I don't have a problem when it's mouthwash in the bathroom, but at the table, it's all out war if I hear that sound. Youngest GS was told many times to stop it, I finally got fed up and told him that I was going to put Ghost Pepper sauce in his glass and make him swishes that shit around in his mouth.. That was the last time he ever swished at the dinner table. Yes, I am the evil mean grandma.

Little savages's picture

I'm right with you on the disgusting eating noises and the baby talk. Ss11 has done this for years. That and eating with his head down at the plate because he can't be bothered to lift his arms. It makes me want to gag. Do not even mention the baby talk. I've pointed the stupid voice thing out in a nice way, in a less nice way, asked SO to deal with it - you name it.  Nothing has worked. It's been 4 years of daily torture. Last week I tried again in an encouraging 'you can do it' smiley way. Seemed to work ok. Then 2 nights ago, SS was in the next room and I heard him talk to SD in that stupid voice. I said 'if you keep talking in that ridiculous way  I'm going to smash your face in!!!'    Loud enough so everyone could hear (aka yelling). (Lockdown is getting to me...) I felt better. SO then said he'd also been telling him the same for days, when I wasn't around! I believe the baby voice is used when he wants to make himself cute (gross) but also because he has low self esteem and it's like he feels he has to diminish himself somehow. Amazingly SO agrees there's a problem and is considering counselling for SS. Never thought I'd hear that. As for the feral feeding time at the zoo: no answer to that. It's just gross.  

Little savages's picture

I'm right with you on the disgusting eating noises and the baby talk. Ss11 has done this for years. That and eating with his head down at the plate because he can't be bothered to lift his arms. It makes me want to gag. Do not even mention the baby talk. I've pointed the stupid voice thing out in a nice way, in a less nice way, asked SO to deal with it - you name it.  Nothing has worked. It's been 4 years of daily torture. Last week I tried again in an encouraging 'you can do it' smiley way. Seemed to work ok. Then 2 nights ago, SS was in the next room and I heard him talk to SD in that stupid voice. I said 'if you keep talking in that ridiculous way  I'm going to smash your face in!!!'    Loud enough so everyone could hear (aka yelling). (Lockdown is getting to me...) I felt better. SO then said he'd also been telling him the same for days, when I wasn't around! I believe the baby voice is used when he wants to make himself cute (gross) but also because he has low self esteem and it's like he feels he has to diminish himself somehow. Amazingly SO agrees there's a problem and is considering counselling for SS. Never thought I'd hear that. As for the feral feeding time at the zoo: no answer to that. It's just gross.