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Another week, another gem from SS

Hastings's picture

SS13 is back after a week at BM's. Last time he was here, after lying to DH about electronics, sneaking food into his room and spitting on the floor, DH told him that this week, he would not be allowed to go to the gym with BM. (The last few months, on non-baseball nights, he's ridden the school bus to BM's and gone to the gym with her. She drops him off in time for dinner. He loves going. No blue why, but we suspect he's getting fun, fancy snacks and sees friends.) SS was very upset about it and DH thought, "ah! Finally found something that might actually make an impact!"

SS's attitude has been awful for weeks. Yesterday, DH picked him up and said SS just glared at him and ignored him. The bus didn't come by this morning so DH took him (the school is very close, but on a major highway, so no walking). He said SS barely mumbled a word and didn't respond to the teacher who said hello to him (3 times) when he got out.

DH was set to talk to him about the attitude and rudeness after school. The bus comes by and -- no SS.

Both DH and I had the same thought: SS rode the bus to BM's instead. A few minutes later, yep, BM texts "SS is here." DH Said "what is he doing there?"

She asked him: "SSsays he forgot about the punishment, but I don't believe him." (That's a small miracle because BM usually believes every lie out of that kid's mouth.) Anyway, she said she would drop him off before the gym.

Meanwhile, SS texts "Can it be a different punishment?"

What the... Seriously?!?

As DH Said, the fact that he asked just proves it's the right punishment. He didn't bother to text back.

So, SS gets home and DH chews him up one side and down the other. SS said it was DH's fault for not reminding him, sobbing away. DH called BS (as do I). He warned him about attitude ("I don't know what you mean."), blowing off the teacher ("I didn't hear him") and storming past us to the car after games and not thanking people like my parents if they come ("I'm just there to play. I don't care if people come. That's their choice.")

It's the same old thing. No apology. No remorse. He never accepts responsibility. It's always someone else's fault. Even DH's punishments just roll right by because SS sees himself as the victim.

I really have very little hope for this kid at this point. DH confiscated all electronics and "fun" books. Told him the "no gym" is extended indefinitely. Basically he can just sit and stare at the wall. But I don't think it will impact him at all. It's DH's fault he rode the bus to BM's (of course he wasn't hoping she'd just take him with her -- why would he do that?). If he's rude to people, it's their own fault for bothering to come. It's not his fault he breaks rules and takes food upstairs. It's a stupid rule.

I'm watching like a spectator. But he's been here all of 24 hours and I already can't stand the sight of him.


Rags's picture

Sounds like DH is finally getting under this idiot spawn's skin.  Keep it up.  DH found the pain point that gets SS's attention, turn up the pain. Keep it applied, and never stop.  No gym, no electronics, no sitting alone. Make him sit in a corner, facing the corner, while you and DH do the things you want to do making sure SS does not get to participate. One thing for sure, lock away any discretionary access he has to food. He eats what he is given and he eats it under direct hairy eyeball supervision. The only things  he should be able to eat in his room are his fingernails and his boogers.


Harry's picture

He tested his limits by going to the gym.  He got shot down about it.  Punishment was made harder because of that,   Maybe he will see the light?  It's not much he was ask to do,  be normal ?  

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Probably won't last but I'm glad BM did the right thing. Maybe this is an opportunity for your DH to have a serious conversation with his ex about the bad direction SS is heading?

Hastings's picture

Agreed. I was glad she was very quick to say she would drop him off -- no suggestion of taking him to the gym since he was already there.

DH is planning on having a talk with her this week. We'll see how it goes. He's curious to see if she's dealing with the same attitude and rule-breaking (is it universal or just at our house?).