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im annoyed

hammesamie's picture

So in response to what happened at court (earlier blog) from my husband trying to modify his order so he can get more time. Mom said she is not agreeing, so they had to go see a mediator. My husband had to pay 300 dollars. At the mediator she told him that she will not agree to meeting Scott because he abandoned her. he did not abandon her, he came to iowa initially while they were STILL together and then they split because they got into an argument. he never left his son, he was still going to see him. She also will not agree to letting us get him every other christmas saying she was in labor for 8 hours that is her right...
Now since they didnt agree they have to go back and he has to pay another 75 dollars. So needless to say we have a month before Christmas and the little money we had saved back to go shopping with is gone, and she still will not if they dont agree, we drive there to go to court on the 7th for them to set up a trial. So he has made this 6 hour trip 6 times this month.....


hammesamie's picture

let me add, he came to Iowa on a full ride basketball scholarship to further his education..

****The best exercise is walking down the aisle****

kathleen's picture

I remember going through the whole legal roller coaster with my husband and his ex. It was a long, very stressful, all consuming experience, and very expensive, emotionally and economically.

All I can say is that the courts will ultimately rule and being prepared for trial and supportive of your husband is the best possible way to succeed. During this period, your relationship could suffer so remember that a crazy ex-wife isn't going to determine your happiness or the outcome of the court hearings. So take each day as it comes. It will all work out.

Sasha's picture

It's plain to see that she is not agreeing simply to get back at him. This is a perfect example of how a parent uses the child to get back at the other parent. Why can't they see right through this?

stuckinthemiddle's picture

that means.
Common sense shows that this woman is vindictive. My BF ex went to mediation and played the 'nice' mom who wants what is best for her kids. Yeah, right. the evil skank didn't allow us to see the kids for Halloween b/c she didn't get our Labor day holiday, even though it was our holiday this year. She also made a big deal about how she needed that evening to get the kids ready for the first day of school especially since this is her daughter's first year. She went on about how she "puked her guts out" everyday during her pregnancy and when she was sick "almost lost her job" so she had the right to get her ready for her daughter's first day. Oh, whatever, I'm sure she deserves a medal for having a baby and dealing with all the physical symptoms that accompany it---it's not like any other women in the world have ever done this before. Nobody ever said having a baby was easy and pain free.
What drama queens!
Hang in there.