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Blogging after a long absence...

Felicity0224's picture

I haven't posted a blog in forever, but I've been reading a lot of yours lately and steplife's got me down, so I need some support. I asked Dawn to delete all my past blogs because I'm paranoid about BM or my SDs identifying me and making things harder than they already are. Anyway, my SDs are 15 and 13 and DH has 50/50 custody of them. We've been married for 9 years and have a daughter together who is 5.

Our major problem right now is that SD15 is completely out of control. To say that she's behaving like an entitled, manipulative brat is an understatement. It's gotten so bad that BM, who preciously would have NEVER voluntarily given up a second of her parenting time (in fact for years she frequently witheld the kids until she was finally penalized for contempt) has waved the white flag and is constantly asking DH to take over, saying she can't handle it.

We've been in this cycle for over a year now where everything is cool (usually because SD15 is getting everything she wants), and then out of nowhere she'll have a huge blowout with BM over something trivial. She never acts out at our house, but she and BM get into these insane screaming matches on a regular basis. So she gets grounded, makes everyone's life hell for a while by being all moody, BM can't stand to be the 'bad guy' so she gives up on enforcing the grounding at her house, and the cycle begins again.

The reason I'm venting now is because while SD15 doesn't act out at our house, one thing she has done countless times is causing me a huge amount of grief. She can be here and act like everything is peachy, literally acting like I'm her best friend, then as soon as she gets a chance, with BM, with BM's family, or with her therapist, she throws me under the bus so fast it makes my head spin. The stuff she complains about and accuses me of is so absurd that it's almost laughable. She flat out lies saying that I said things that I didn't or that I did something that I've never done. When she does this, BM loses her shit and blows DH up ranting about how terrible I am (which is just mind boggling considering she is always accusing SD15 of lying and manipulating everyone, but of course every single thing SD15 says about me MUST be true). 

It's gotten to the point where I do not want SD15 here with me when DH is not here. It's only a matter of time before she accuses me of abuse or something worse. DH travels a lot and always has, so I'm the primary parent at our house. I've taken care of my SDs since they were 2 and 4. I'm really torn about refusing to have them here because I still feel like this is their home too, we are their family, and it feels wrong to shut them out. And honestly, I adore SD13 and she's delightful to be around. But how can I ban one kid and not the other? The other thing is that my daughter is OBSESSED with her sisters. She cries almost every day when they aren't here. So I feel really guilty about reducing the time she gets with them even more. 

I've barely scratched the surface of what all has transpired recently, but I don't want to turn this into a novel. I think many of you can relate. So what should I do? Suck it up and move one with business as usual? Or inform everyone that I can't have my SDs here unless DH is home too?


CLove's picture

Firstly. Then there is PROOF that you can give them that sd15 is telling lies. Also proof that there is no abuse, if it comes to that.

Everyone has been telling me lately that teens are horrid creatures, so you have to wait it out until their in the 20s. However she has been taught how to be like her mother, and that is almost impossible to overcome.

So - nanny cams.

ndc's picture

I don't see why you couldn't have the younger SD over but have the older one stay with BM when your DH isn't around.  The younger SD hasn't given you any reason to not want to be alone with her, whereas the older one has lied about you multiple times.  It seems perfectly rational to me to draw a distinction and treat them differently.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Nanny cams, no SD15 without DH or another adult supervisor, and no spending any alone time with SD15.

"Sorry SD, you have lied about me and I can't trust you."

"Sorry BM, SD has lied about me and I can't trust her."

"Sorry DH, SD has lied about me and I can't trust her."

Let that be your new catchphrase. Sure, it may upset BM, but hopefully it will put it through her thick skull that being a friend won't win brownie points with people who don't HAVE to deal with her daughter.

And SD needs to learn that it takes a REALLY long time to rebuild trust. Don't let her be good for a couple of weeks. She needs to show CONSISTENT behavior improvement for MONTHS.

I don't think you need to limit her time while DH is around, but I do think it would be beneficial to have nanny cams in case accusations fly again. And I would make it abundantly clear to DH that if shr lies about you abusing her in any way, shape, or form, that for your protection and the protection of your DD, visitations with SD need to take place elsewhere. If he feels the need to move out with her alone, so be it. He and BM need to fix the mess and not drag others through it.

Siemprematahari's picture

You have to protect yourself and if that means SD15 is not allowed in your home after all the lies and BS than she can't stay unless H is home. She's being very manipulative by acting like all is fine but turns around and throws you under the bus. She cannot be trusted and placing yourself around someone like that will only open you up to unnecessary stress & drama. She can stay if your H is home, other than that you have to protect yourself and sanity. Your H has to understand the position that you have been placed in.

Felicity0224's picture

Thanks, y’all. My timing was fortuitous, because last night SD15 had an epic meltdown and BM’s and threatened to call CPS and tell them that BM was abusing her. Which is laughable, because BM is many things, but she’s not a disciplinarian of any sort and certainly not physically abusive. DH is out of town and without me saying anything, he informed me that “you can’t have a kid threatening to call CPS in our house while I’m not there, it’s not safe for you or DD5.” So she’s definitely not coming at all next week since he won’t be here.

We’re still trying to decide about SD13. As I said in my post, I enjoy our time with her and my DD adores her. But in the past the therapist has advised against us making SD15 feel “isolated” from the family, so I’m not sure if it’s ideal for SD13 to come here while she’s not allowed. 

24 years as a SM's picture

there are consequences for lying, the therapist is wrong IMHO. You need to protect your own child, if your SD15 calls CPS and lies about something that she said that you did to her, you could loose your child. DO NOT let SD15 back in your house without your DH being present and for Gods sakes put nanny cams all through your house, if either SD is there.