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Been off-line for two months now....

ExCoolMom's picture

Due to lots of issues, mainly because my internet data card would not work on the laptop we have at home and I refused to ask SD18 to use her laptop which is compatable. (Pride issue)

I have also been quite ill and was eventually (after 8000K later) diagnosed with a hiatus hernia and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Had to have a Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy in order to get to where I am now, which is on heaps of medication, a vegetarian diet and thankfully lost some well-needed weight.

Besides that I have had such drama with SD18 (who is now 18) and is moving out on 25th September!!! Yay...I am relieved. She has put me through such hell these past 8 weeks. Suddenly decided to ditch her bf and he threatened to kill her and I had to call the police, all while FH was tied up with a local school musical while the drama was happening at our front gate. Then she takes him back but doesn't tell us and we think she is finally concentrating on her school work, when the BM informs us she is back with the bf and plans to move in with him at the end of September. Now FH is concerned that his little girl is throwing up her studies and making a big mistake going out into the world so prematurely. :sick: I am just furious with her for what she has put us through these past 9 months with the lying, stealing, deception etc and now it's come out that all she wanted was to get closer to her bf. FH has told her that she can move back :jawdrop: if she wants, as she is scared it may not 'work out' where they are going to stay.

I now have my very own laptop Smile and a USB data card (FH is giving SD18 our old one, but she has to buy a data sim card for it }:) .) so I will be online more often now.

Other news is that although we are losing SD18 we are gaining my BS19 who has decided to move up to our province, get a job and start studying. He will stay with us of course and I wonder how that will work with FH as the tables are now turned. Is this how our lives will be in this step family situation? Kids coming and going and leaving the scars behind them?

Got to run now FH will be back from his 1st gig and get ready to go to his 2nd which I have promised I will go with him to. Just to get away from SD18 for a while.


Most Evil's picture

Wow I am glad you were treated and hope you have a quick and non-eventful recovery! re. SD, well, what can I say! LOL Hopefully your h. is as generous to yours as you have been to his. Smile
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.

William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2

ExCoolMom's picture

I am also venturing into a new career which will involve running a music school which FH & I will open in October. There is a tremendous need for that here in our community. He is a music teacher and so is his partner in his present business which is a music shop. I will carry on working half day at my present employer and then run the school between 3pm and 7pm.

My son & are are very close when we are together and we have the kind of relationship where we can talk about anything to each other. My ex husband (not his bio father) could not handle the fact that we were so close and he was jealous of our relationship. I hope FH can handle it. I will need to watch it carefully.

It's nice to be back online again.