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Red hot anger

evilstepmotherJ's picture

Why do these two status's fill me with red hot anger? Because for SD18 to receive the discount that is making it possible for her to go to college I am up every single weekday at 4:30 a.m. to be at my desk by 7:30 while she drops a class because it starts too early and she wants to sleep in :sick:

Now that I dropped my one and only class on Tuesday and Thursday, I can sleep in and not feel bad about missing class. #winning

Everyone: I start school tomorrow
Me: I don't have class I get to sleep in


Rags's picture

Time to quit paying her rent and force her to get a job on Tues-Thur. Nothing improved my grades and focus than when I lost the mom & dad Rags full ride due to my own college days shenanigans.

Cocoa's picture

it's a requirement in our home that anyone over the age of 18 to be doing something for 40 hours a week. any combination of work/school is acceptable, but the 40 hours stands. and...a move out date is required. why in the world would you have to adhere to a work schedule when you have another adult in the home that is exempt? tell your dh that either sd does SOMETHING for 40 hours a week or you may go to part-time work so that YOU can sleep in. and, by the way, I think you'd be better off paying bm child support. you live in a state of terrorism and I couldn't tolerate that. take control back.

evilstepmotherJ's picture

Thank you for the support everyone. I just needed to get that out this morning, it was literally eating away at me. BUT I will be telling that to the spoiled brats face very soon. I am done holding things in with her and since the entire family hates me now anyway I no longer give a damn what she thinks of me or who she talks to me about. I am done with her, and the discount is going away very soon if things don't change