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I don't talk much about Softheart.

EvilAngel's picture

Along with Thunderfoot, I have a SD13. We will just refer to her as Softheart. She and Thunderfoot are total opposites! Thunderfoot is about 5'6, stringy shoulder-length brown hair, brown eyes, kind of frumpy, NO personality, geeky. Softheart is about the same height, she has long blonde hair, blues eyes, pushing the weight envelope. I feel sorry for her because she has to weigh upwards of 220 lbs and she's only 13. She has a great little personality. She and I get along really well. She's a cute kid but DRAMA?!? God...I like her but she calls DH ever other day bawling about something. It takes little to nothing to upset her and get her crying. She confessed to me a few weeks back that she's been cutting herself. I used to do that when I was about her age, so I was able to talk to her about it and I think she's got a handle on it now. But she came over the other weekend and was texting her mom saying she was really thinking about hurting herself because her and her BF were fighting. So of course her mom messages me and asks me to go talk to her. I did but it didn't really get me anywhere because she was crying so hard I could barely understand her. She's always threatening to hurt herself when she gets upset. At this point I know it's just a cry for attention. She's a good enough kid but I get so tired of her dramatic flair! I really don't even look forward to her coming over anymore because it will only end in her crying. It always does...I won't have to deal with her this weekend but I am sure she will be over next weekend.


WTF...REALLY's picture

That would be alot to handle.

220at thirteen? Does she have diabetes? Is she doing sports? Her moods swings might improve if she lost some weight and got some endorphins running thru her body. Not a cure, but might tone down the drama addiction.

EvilAngel's picture

I don't think she has diabetes. Not that I am aware of anyway. Her BM is a big lady so that's where she gets it from because my DH is not overweight and never has been. He's short and stocky. She is a cheerleader but not into sports. She's not lazy either. She will actually go outside and play and she does chores at her BMs house. She can eat like a horse though.

EvilAngel's picture

I am hoping that she will grow out of it. She's SO sensitive. She's like her dad...he's sensitive too. She hasn't yet to be upset about her weight but I fear once she gets in high school the teasing will start.

EvilAngel's picture

When she is here...she usually hangs out with me. Thunderfoot doesn't have time for her unless she wants something from her. And she gets pissed off if Softheart eats something that is "hers". I have to explain to her, "DH bought that so it's not YOURS, it's everyone's. If Softheart ate the last of it...too bad. It's not like it can't be replaced!" Thunderfoot doesn't like when Softheart comes over AT ALL. I am pretty sure it's because DH and I show her more attention. BUT she doesn't get to see us that often and she's 100 times easier to get along with!
Softheart doesn't get picked on about her looks or weight...yet. She's a really cute girl. She looks like DH. Big blue eyes and dimples for days. She told me that she's not cutting herself anymore but I don't know if I believe her or not.

DarkStar's picture

Threatening to hurt yourself when you are upset is a bad road to start down.....a 72 hour hold in a psych ward might cure that.

EvilAngel's picture

I feel like it's just threats. I would feel like shit if she actually went through with it. But she text that to her mom. She knew full well that her mom would get in touch with me or DH about it.