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Am I being a b!?$&

Dontcallmemom's picture

I now have a 6 week old baby. I used to feel a little stressed when SS would come over for his EOWe visits but now I feel a lot stressed by them. At night, DH and I have been taking care of our DD in shifts. Usually I take the first shift and he goes to bed. With SS here, I think DH should stay up with baby and SS first and I should sleep. I don't like being alone with SS because I'm not very fond of him and I don't like trying to force a conversation with him and pretending to like him. But I will be upsetting our schedule to have DH take the first shift. If you ask me though, DH should hang out with his son when he comes over anyway.


Dontcallmemom's picture

SS is 13. We did switch last time he was over but have since settled into more of a routine with baby. He'll probably just assume that's what we'll do again but I'm not sure of that.

SadFairy's picture

Could you use the awkward moments to encourage him to do something to occupy himself, like playing a video game, talking to friends, or doing something safe on the internet? At that age, he shouldn't need an adult to constantly entertain him. He may even dread those moments as much as you do, and wouldn't mind occupying his time doing something he enjoys.