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O/T And this is why meeting people online never works.

dodgegal05's picture

I joined a site where you can meet new friends, people to date, etc... to meet more people where I'll be moving soon. And to be honest to scope out the dating scene when I am ready to date again. I've had one message already asking if I want a NSA sexual relationship. :sick: My profile has no indication of me desiring that! I do not miss dating, nor do I look forward to it.


dodgegal05's picture

He literally begged me in the message and sent his number so we could "discuss" the idea... I think I am going to look into becoming a nun. }:)

dodgegal05's picture

Agreed. Blum 3

Kes's picture

Don't give up yet! I met my DH online, and we have been together 10 years now. There are a lot of weirdos online, that's for sure, but you soon learn to weed them out, and you have to be prepared to kiss a few frogs to find your prince! Wink

herewegoagain's picture

There are nuts online, just like there are nuts everywhere. I made some great friends online years ago. I also met a real nut who claimed was a man and turned out to be a crazy, crazy, crazy woman lol I also met a guy whom I dated for a bit who was one of the most awesome guys I have ever met. Funny, taught me how women should be treated and I had the most fun times with him...So, don't give up. You need to keep looking, although again, looking might not be really good...I wasn't looking...I was just looking to talk to people just like here...

PS - you really shouldn't be looking for possible mates if you are still together with someone or just got out of a relationship...believe it or not, the nuts DO sense your vulnerability...

dodgegal05's picture

I am not looking to date at this time at all. I put that I am interested in making friends and hanging out. I have no desire to date right now. between work and the upcoming school semester I will have little time to socialize.