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SD14 writing suicide blog...

dennysgirl's picture

A few months back we had some problems with SD14 cutting herself due to the way her mother treats her at home "calls SD skank, slut and makes her believe that nobody loves her and that we are pieces of shit" So DH and myself signed her up for counseling and showed her all the support we could give her in her time of need and she started to get out of her downward spiral of behavior slowly but surely. Her mother has constantly bashed us and tried to say this is our fault to the court when we tried to get custody and told the mediator that us trying to get her outside help was inapropriate because she knows whats best and we do not, well we checked her blog this morning to see how she was doing on her vacation since we don't see her for another week and boom we see this "I want to swallow all the pills in this house, all the syrups and potions in this cabinet so I can sleep forever, please help me and tell me I am worth it I have nothing to live for and no one to talk to....." We are completely freaked out and if we bring this to the courts again to try and get custody(she loves being with us and is quite happy over here) her mother is going to play the I know best card and try to pity SD14 into staying again by playing the I have nothing without you card and trying to make her feel bad. We don't know what to do because it is like whatever is for her best interest is going to be made into a plot to hurt her mother and not look out for the one who needs all the support and help in the world right now, the courts won't even listen to us because BM does this pity party card and morphs from an abusive manipulative piece of shit to this angel, I want to call CPS for the sake of SD14 and get her out of there she is too bright and amazing to have to deal with these feelings of inadaquecy.... I am sorry if this is jumbled I am having a breakdown as I type this, I love my DH and SD so much it just feels like when we try and do whats best for her somehow BM turns everything around on us and the court sides with that monster we have called an attorney this morning so hopefully we can finally go two more steps forward for her.


learningallthetime's picture

If she is posting that personally I would say who gives a damn about court, print it out and RUN to protective services and the police. This child needs help right now.

just.his.wife's picture

Print the blog, it should be date and time stamped and CALL THE COPS!! This kid is having suicidal ideations and has a PLAN!!

It is Baker Act time! (Thats what Florida calls it: other states have other names for it like a 5150 hold)

dennysgirl's picture

That is what we have done before and it got turned on us immediately by BM we have all files ready for the attorney this morning to review we had printed from her blog to make cps claim and we have talked to SD to make sure she is okay we are trying to handle everything we can today I just needed to vent because I feel like I am drowning and I needed support from others to know that I am not the bad guy here because I am scared to death and waiting for DH to call me back as soon as everything goes through, I don't want to tell family thats why I came here to just have someone tell me it's going to be okay..

dennysgirl's picture

Thank you guys, I appreciate being able to attempt to let out my emotions during this commotion I am sure that God will prevail and make sure everything goes in favor of SD.

omgsaveme's picture

Can you get a court appointed youth advocate or child advocate? It's a third party who is not just a counselor but will go into the home for weekly biweekly or monthly visits and talk to the mother and SD. Is SD old enough to say where she wants to live? Print every single one of her blogs out and keep on top of it. CPS doesn't do anything unless something is happening in the moment. Do you live in a one party consent state where you can record the calls without letting her know and record the things she tells you about her mother ? A few years ago I would have just said she's doing it for attention but the numbers of new stories I've read and seen shows that kids are committing suicide left and right. Law enforcement will just do a welfare check for 5 minutes and keep it moving. An advocate is much more than a counselor ad is there to answer the phone, or be at her home at the drop of a hat.

misSTEP's picture

It's absolutely horrible that the Family Court system is so pro-BM that they will believe stupid crap like a BM "knows what is best for their child." Doesn't the DAD?? I mean, gimme a break! What about those BMs who KILL their children? Did THEY automatically become the experts on what is best or not good for THEIR children??

Sickening for a person to be so narcissistic and the courts go right along with that.